Would like to see Morris,Woodrow,Dike on Sunday if Ismael thinks Dikes up to the pace yet. Chaplin and Vic just dont look like ever scoring and im sure there a bit of a burden on Woodrows work load. Morris should be fresh and so should Dike. Not knocking the effort and work rate of Chaplin and Vic as they work tirelessly. Just need a break and some good competition. Not sure if the quality is there in them both? Hope it is and they come good as i do like them both.
im going to throw an argument out there hemsworth esq..... its not the job of the wide forwards to score goals? i really feel the wider players are there to chase, press and link play all before scoring goals. any goals they do score are a bonus and not the primary task. which seems quite strange. id love our wide forwards to be able to do all the above and score a few more goals mind! i think Freiser and Morris will play
I dont mind freiser. Works hard and puts in 110% effort. I just want him to be a bit nasty, leave one on someone, ruffle them up. Always seems over nice and like hes just happy to be there.