Well I recorded all 6 hours of the broadcast just to watch the half-time show, which was excellent. Kendrick Lamar is ******* ace. But not only could I not tell you who won the game, I don’t even know who was playing. American football is ******* rubbish.
It all boils down to personal taste, I guess. For me, it was utter *****, as most of the last few have been. Samuel L Jackson and Serena Williams' cameos were the only interesting bit. I've read loads of references afterwards to how it contained some dig towards Drake (another non-entity performer, in terms of how much interest I have in their music) but it was lost on me if so. The New Orleans tribute at the start with Lady Gaga was a better performance, and hers was the last half-time show that I can recall being worth watching. Nothing will ever get close to Prince's show in 2007, which is pretty much universally accepted as the best one there's been whenever they do a poll on these things. The game, in contrast, was the second best Superbowl ever, in terms of personal enjoyment. The first time the Eagles won is the only one higher on my list.
I don't like American football. I don't really like rap. I think I've rather pull my own teeth without anesthetic than sit through 6 hours of that.
I'm an old rocker, but whats not to love about Kendrick Lamar sticking it to an establishment PDF'er and Trump? Brilliant imho.
I don't like American football. I don't really like crap. I think I've rather pull my own teeth without anaesthetic than sit through 6 hours of that.
Utter shash. I fell ssleep ht. Watched 2nd half of match next day. Fast forwarded that after about 30 secs. That aint music.
Most certainly, and it’s either Kendrick Lamar or Brother Ali. Or over here it’s Little Simz or Verb T.
I just don't understand how people can listen to that and enjoy it. Its proper baffling. Though I suppose its pop now ? If not, they should stick to stuff like pop because more Americans and viewers will enjoy. Saw someone post itd be like if an opera singing was doing the half time show and I completely agree I dont mind rap, but not sure I've heard anything good rap songs post 2010!