I am signing out permanently today. I have asked Gally to delete my account, though not sure if he does this on request. I joined the BBS in late December 2018, when I was raising funds for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance/Steve Croft for my sponsored walk from Burton to Oakwell. My cousin suggested becoming a member on the BBS to raise awareness of the walk, and I was absolutely blown away by the kindness and generosity of so many, for such a worthy cause. I have ended up spending far too much time on here, and I find it to now be a largely negative experience. The BBS is at its best when offering support to individuals who are struggling, or when the team are doing well, but it can also be a toxic place where individuals tear into each other. It's a sign of society I guess. Anyway, I've met a few people on here and it's always been a positive (Fired, Hooky, Thrappo, Peachy, Suzie, Lepton, and I'm sure others). To those who I've fallen out with, or frequently disagreed with, I meant no malice and don't hold grudges. I'll see some of you around. I wish you all the best. Be kind to one another and remember, once a red always a red
I would personally prefer you to stay, but if your mind is made up, then I wish you well for the future. The BBS will be a poorer place without you.
Dunt be daft! It’s all football, it makes people emotional and we’ve had a tough summer. Give it a few weeks away and if results pick up, this board will be a completely different place. you’ll regret it later on.
Sometimes a 6 month break will give you chance to rechrge your batteries,it works for me. All the best in whatever you decide to do.
You'll be missed mate, but I 100% understand your decision. You need to do what's right for you. All the best!
Get thissen back on when the move is completed. And dont let the ******** grind you down. It's become quite noticable, I agree that some are taking the opportunity to belittle others for their own gratification or resorting to name calling in bad taste. Not something one or two did in the past. And the BBS is a sadder place for all that. Not accepting opinions but trying to prove em wrong with all their bluster. "I'm right your wrong attitude" it's an opinion for goodness sake. Nothing more. The number of times I personally have had an opinion and the old chestnut. "Its not what the majority think. So you are wrong", is trotted out, is as daft as the statement. It's an opinion nothing else. And having to defend it from trolls is a feckin waste of time. I'm hopefully learning. Pages and pages of people repeating themselves. We get it first time ffs. Are you nipping up to Cheltenham btw practically a home game lol.
I absolutely get you. Your right about all you say, from the support offered to others struggling. However I find it quite tedious seeing other posters constantly berating others or trying to put them down. I do agree with Kev ,the board will be a loss without your comments and views. You should consider ,staying off the bbs for a while ,the results will come I'm 100% sure about this and the place will be all the more positive and less toxic.
All the very best, enjoyed chatting with you and might not be a million miles behind you, to be honest
Valued member of this board mate, we all (myself included) get carried away but a think we all share the same passion for all things BFC, give yourself a break and see how you feel, however, if you still feel the same……take it easy mate
Having been on here far, far too long in several different incarnations, people come and go. You will be missed, but you might find that you miss us too. We probably aren't going anywhere so if you are missing us, you know where to find us.
I’ve been a member on this site since 2006 and there have been many many times I’ve felt like canning it. I probably would’ve if I could’ve been arsed to ask for my account deleting like you have. But I’m glad I didn’t. I hope you don’t go, we need as many sane posters as possible. Take a break, think about some rules for your activity (if we’re on a bad run, I don’t come on here for at least a few days after a defeat), block some people. That last point especially, I was always against the idea of blocking people, but it makes this place a lot more tolerable when things are going *****. I look at my block list every now and again to review it, often I’ll unblock folk too. Currently I have only one person on there! If you go, all the best!
Be sorry if you go - have a little break and see you how you fell. I've had a think about my social media presence recently- attacked for being a happy clapper , loyalty questioned to the team I support etc by fans , our so called fans - it's been hard. Feel safe on this board yo be honest - majority are good , honest people who support each other. I'd stay here but other platforms I'm not so sure
Its rare that I come on here at a weekend - so I miss the over-the-top celebrations after a great victory, the doom-and-gloom after a hard-fought away draw, or the downright last days of Gomorrah following a home defeat. Its a far better experience