Love the bit where he talks of the Austrian Bundesliga being a pressing league for several seasons and his interest is finding solutions to this. My thoughts are that the Championship will go to a more pressing league, certainly WBA are going to be an addition to this. Hopefully in employing Schopp we are a step in front of the curve.
Great if he knows how to deal with the press. Even better if he knows how to deal with the teams who know how to deal with the press.
What about dealing with the teams who know how to deal with the teams who know how to deal with the teams who know how to deal with the press?
He interviews well, but my only concern is there are more than just pressing teams in our league! He needs to find solutions to pressing teams, long ball teams, counter attacking teams, defensive minded teams and even some teams versatile enough to play different styles each week. One short fall I always found of Strubers was his inability to deal with long ball teams. Any slick passing team we’d always press to great success but he never adapted to deal with long ball teams unlike Ismael who’s high line prevented this to a degree. We’ll see how he gets on but first impressions from his interview are good!