Such a great show. Haven't quite finished this season, but Mike Wozniak has been superb entertainment
It and Inside No 9 are the best things on telly at the moment. If you've not seen Inside No 9, it's all on iplayer.
No, watch them in order. Rhod Gilbert / James Aacaster series has to be the best though. Did anyone here not like Daisy May Cooper from series 10? I thought she was a bitch most of the way through, but she seems to be a fans favourite. I wondered if I was in a minority here as well as on comedy forums.
I’d forgotten who she was and had to Google her. I don’t know if I thought that about her but I wasn’t a fan.
Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith who put Inside No9 together studied at Bretton Hall College, along with Mark Gattis and Jeremy Dyson. As a collective they are The League of Gentlemen.
Interestingly I was only pointed at Taskmaster for the start of Series 10 and though I liked the format the cast didnt appeal and I gave up half way through. I didnt find Daisy May Cooper funny at all. - Then I watched the Christmas special and thought this looks much more like it and so gave it another go this series and its so much better than series 10 - still a few episodes behind but Mike Wozniak is just brilliant - I like all of them though and the whole team works much better. Must make a note to go back and watch the Rhod Gilbert series though I can imagine that would be something special
I had never heard of Mike Wozniak, but he was brilliant and I shall be looking him up if he does any stand up tours any time soon.
It's an anthology series, so each episode is different. Some are funny some are very (very dark). There is always a twist, and quite often a murder. They are so well done though. With some, you don't know what you've watched until the last seconds. If you do watch, start of gently with something like A Quiet Night In from Series 1. Should any of you start to watch it, I'd love to know how you found it and which episode you saw.
Give it ago, I am sure you will love at least one episode. As I said in another post, some are quite dark, but some are light and funny.