#TeamslikeBarnsley Thanks for people who have taken the time out to read my 1st attempt at a blog Would really love feedback.. Next weeks topic is either the so called sleeping giants of English game. https://danielsweeklyfootballblog.wordpress.com/2017/01/25/teamslikebarnsley/
Don't wish to sound petty, but I would like to comment on your content but I can't really because I found it too difficult to read owing to the artwork. I found the artwork too overpowering so I gave up. Your not on your own though, because the other month I was presented with a professional promotional piece to read that was in the main an orange background with white writing and I gave up on that as well. I think must have some form of vision impairment and I doubt I am the only one. Could you give this some thought?
me too, as i often do with things like this if i actually want to read it i cut and paste it into a word file.
It was a good read. Some good points made and I'll read the next one. The English teacher in me recommends a touch more proof reading and punctuation to create shorter sentences. That's not a criticism, just me not being able to help myself!!
No that's fine my sister in laws an English teacher so hopefully give me some tips Glad you enjoyed the read!!
No worries. It's good and I'll read more. I've nothing but respect for people that take the time to articulate their thoughts well and present them for public consumption.
Well done for positing your thoughts. It was a good read and sums up what many think, that is, as soon as we reach the top ten or so of this league, the wealthy boys will continue to pick off our best. If we want to make the Premier League, at some point we have to stand firm, with no selling of our best, and really go for it, as you suggest. Keep on posting.