62 killed so far http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4709491.stm We were considering going to Egypt on this holiday as well. Also theres a couple at work who went to Egypt last week for their honeymoon, not sure whereabouts they were going but Sharm al-Sheikh is the most likely
Doesn't it seem strange? London bombs made in an Egyptian Chemists' rented house in Leeds - cops track him down to Egypt where he says he is on holiday, then all these bombs go off? Coincidence?
Whens it all going to calm down? This is getting stupid now. These people (Tony Blair etc) saying we are not going to let terrorists win. Whos winning like? Lets all sit back and wait for the next attacks and say the same things again and theres nothing we can do but wait. Scary ****.