SWFC have sold their allocation of 4700 tickets and despite asking for a further 2000 tickets this has been refused on safety grounds due to trouble when.we entertained Leeds. Thanks. Hit in the pocket again.
Let me get this right. You are saying that because yobs cause trouble at a football match - both sides by the way - it's the police's fault? If these people who cause the trouble had some idea of how to behave themselves there would be no need for the ridiculous segregation measures that we have to put up with. Also it would make watching football a bit more of a pleasant experience. I'm not saying the police are blameless, but the fault lies at the door of the knuckle dragging morons who follow "the beautiful game". Nowhere else.
As well as the North Stand why not give them all of the West Stand and half of the Ponti as well. Guaranteed full house then. Jeeeeez !!!
Well you could pay for the tickets instead and give the club the £60k Because in that game that the result will be absolutely vital to our promotion push / relegation battle that we're not in. Edit FFS
If they did their job right in the first place rather than leaving it for the majority of the time to folk on minimum wage to deal with we would not have this issue. They are nowhere to be seen when needed half the time yet their policing bills are constantly astronomical.
So because Leeds morons kicked of it stands to reason there will be trouble with Wednesdays fans? How does that work then. You could also argue given that the Leeds fans had probably been on the piss all day due to the stupid kick off time! But hey SKY gets what Sky wants
I will not condone what Leeds or Barnsley fans did that day, it was disgusting. But south Yorkshire police have INCREASED the chance of it happening again at the Wednesday fake by restricting the supply of away tickets which WILL encourage their fans to d what Leeds fans did and get tickets in the home end
Yeah this is how I see it. All the trouble between fans at the Leeds game was due to away fans being in the home sections. Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk
The trouble happened because some leeds fans chose to sit in home ends when they sold their 5200 and weren't given a further allocation of the rest of the stand. Nwecastle were given 5700 and they was no trouble certainly not in the ground.... Huddersfield sold 4600 and still behaved like dicks in the concourse at half time. Another poor desision by syp imo get ready to smell the bacon in the ponty end.
syp have put a limit on number of tickets newcastle united can have at swillsbro . caped it at 2300 .....and Wednesday are charging them £42 to sit in that shithole
Spot on. It's incredibly counterintuitive to reduce the allocation when it will lead to the same issues with Wednesday's lesser mentally capable fans tryng to get tickets in the home end. As others have said, allowing fans to be on the sauce all day by moving the kick off for Sky was another huge factor, as was the fact the police were nowhere to be seen when it kicked off and it was left to stewards to sort the trouble. They're punishing us and Wednesday for their own failings and the actions of Leeds fans basically.
That isn't how the police's football intelligence department see what happened. No Leeds fans were involved and it was dealt with within seconds
In the past for local derbies ST holders in the ESL near the away end have been asked to move so that section is completely empty. That didn't happen with the Leeds match. Few supporters have ST for that section but because there were some supporters there it mean it was 'open' for others to move there. The initial plan was to keep the front six rows of the section in the Away End empty to keep a distance between Leeds and Barnsley fans. No away tickets were sold for this part of the Away End. However as it was 'open' the Leeds fans moved into it and they duly started the trouble at that end. For the Huddersfield match every ticket was checked for those who were seated in the end near the Away End and only the few with an ST for that section were allowed in. A line of stewards kept others from entering that section. However by half time those stewards had moved on and other supporters drifted into that section. For the Owls match all ST holders in that section have been asked to move.