Who was he, and what has he done this season? Was he French or German? Turned us down eventually as he maybe thought he should have more money - or his club did. Can’t remember his name......last season or summer it was.
Harrison Manzala? Seem to remember he turned us down last January then threw some serious shade at us on Twitter... Can't remember a French or German lad this summer though..
That might be him, yes. What nationality was he? Has he done much since turning us down? £1m wasn’t it potentially?
Lots of threads on here are pointless. That's why I come on and have a look-to see how pointless life is.....
Jinty Caenepeel came over and met Linton at a hotel with his agent. Linton was about 5 pints of lager deep and looked to toss it all up after quite a long dinner/discussuon Manzala chose to stay, if I'm remembering right, because he didn't want to play in league one. Remember him retweeting something about us being relegated in May having a little laugh at us.. strange behaviour
Yeah, that’s it. Thought L1 was below him. Didn’t realise that many clubs and attendances are actually bigger and higher than L1 in France.
Haven't all our foreign players / staff said that the standard of third tier football in England vastly trump's third tier football in their own countries? I guess it's hard for us to attract foreign talent when they think of it basically as pub league but yeah league one is probably on par if not better than the Israeli league Harrison's playing in now surely?
Mikes better than the Israeli League. We’d give some French Lower L1 teams a good match. In reality, our L1 is probably at least 2 leagues ahead of other nations 3rd tiers in terms of quality and club size. It really does surprise foreign players just how deep routed football is in British tradition and communities.
Wasnt pretty pal I'll be honest. News just broke from Andy Giddings on RS, and within 20 minutes or so there was 3 or 4 vile tweets sent to him. He retweeted them all aswell which didn't help the club's image.