Walton should have saved it. It was 2 feet to his left and he tried to save it with his right hand, as they all do inexplicably these days. It was just too fast and I think the speed rather than the direction beat him
It was so far out you don't curl it, you just hit it. And he did, like his dad did. And it was the best part of the afternoon.
Not sure any keeper would have saved that Was an unreal strike That said, I did question the wall, looked too small/not far enough across
behave. Good strike, but a competent keeper of championship/league one standard gets to it comfortably. As mentioned above, it wasn’t far away from him, he didn’t move quick enough and went with the wrong hand. Walton will be disappointed with a couple of those goals today - or at least he should be.
I agree about the wall, it was poorly placed, it was indeed a great strike, but the wall was either not far enough over to the keepers left or 1 man light
Isnt walton responsible for setting the wall up? I thought he should have saved it yes it was fast but a good height and not far away from him. Ill watch it back later
Wall looked too far to Waltons right. Then he made it worse by edging right. Then reacted late even though he could see it all the way. Poor. Good strike though but i think most keepers should save it.
That's because at the time you won't have noticed him using the wrong hand. Its weird because it looks like Walton did everything wrong. Had the wall set up to one side of his net but then didn't make any attempt to cover the other side and sneaked back to the middle. Dove late for some reason. Reached with the arm that was furthest away. He's a very good keeper who with different luck at key moments could easily have been our number one now but I just don't understand what he was doing for that goal. It was a great strike but that doesn't explain those split second decicions