just watched this. It's the factual side of the recent three girls drama on the BBC. The cover up goes right through the police, the council and given other articles I've seen right through to the central government of the time. And no doubt still on going. Given recent events with the prosecutions over Hillsboro I hope there are some absolutely terrified coppers councilors and members of social services. And I hope one day they get their just desserts.
I think half the reason for this is that people were afraid of being called racist plus the fact that political correctness has got out of hand.
It is nothing to do with a fear of being called racist or political correctness. Those are just convenient little excuses made by people who just consider teenage girls to be sluts who are up for it. That's the top and bottom of it. Child sexual exploitation by all races and people from all walks of life has been going on for years unchecked
Two things about the similar situation in Rotherham: Firstly - about 18 months before this came to light in the news I went into my mothers house and she and 2 of her friends were talking about this going on in Rotherham. Later a UKIP MEP accused labour MPs of knowing about this - but they were cleared of the allegations. How come my mother and other local people knew about this who lives 8 miles away from Rotherham but the MPs in Rotherham didn't know? Secondly - these girls are often moved about by Rotherham taxis - mostly Asian taxi drivers. Brother in law - a Rotherham copper - said to me 'we know what's happening but there are no laws to stop a young girl getting into a taxi'. Hence recent requirement for all taxis in Rotherham to have internal cameras. Who do I blame: The sickly bending over backwards culture of the Labour Party - and individuals within the Asian community in Rotherham who knew what was happening but did nothing to report this to the newspapers. And before anyone accuses me of the old chestnut of being racist - my sister in law is Asian - my brothers kids could be described as Anglo Indian - and my favourite place in the world, before Britain, is India.
What is your view on child sexual exploitation that has been going on for years by whites? The ones who park outside school gates and openly groom young kids while teachers turn a blind eye? The ones who police turn a blind eye to as girls pile into their cars outside clubs on 'bald fanny night's? Police and authorities have for years known it has happened but because it has been largely consensual they have turned a blind eye to it and simply labelled the girls as sluts
One of the women desperate to bring it to the attention of the Police/world says in the documentary she was being labelled a racist for bringing it up all the time.
Out of morbid couriosity what do you think the reasoning is behind authorities turning a blind eye in over 30 towns and cities in the UK to the mass sexual abuse of white vunerable teenage girls by predominatly pakistani males.
The same reason that authorities turned a blind eye to the rich and powerful white members of society in the Saville clique that abused girls with seeming impunity for years? Because no one cares about the poor and vulnerable in society? Sexism? Incompetence? Institutionalised inertia? Ignorance? Underfunded social services? Conspiracy? Cover up? A mixture of all these. The police are not great to this day at handling 'normal' rape cases why should they suddenly become uber efficient at handling systemic abuse. According to the EDLs website the majority involved in the abuse of underage girls are white. It's become a convenient stick to beat people with 'pc gone mad' the truth is, of course, far more complex. The thing that shocks me though nothing really should these days Is how the forces of the far right have exploited the misery of these poor lasses to ferment racism. It's just as wrong and daft as targeting middle aged djs or prominent members of the Conservative party who were involved in Yewtree. Look at how the working class have been demonised in the post Thatcher era. Look at Grenfell tower as a monument to how neoliberalism values the lives of poor working class people. That gives you more of a clue to the reasons behind why the abuse happened over such a long period of time and is far more important than race. These lasses were the underclass. The sort that in 5 years time will be slagged off for popping kids out and living on benefits. The right has waged a war against the poor for the last 30 years by right I include the Blairite Labour Party. Tackle this. Value the lives of the poor that's the way to stop **** like this happening not lazy stereotypes. These lasses were abused because no one gave a ****. Because they were powerless and unimportant. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
I've basically already answered that Ps predominantly Pakistani males means not all were Pakistani males which means that some were and indeed are white males (and females). And that in turn means that you concede that authorities turned a blind eye to the mass sexual abuse of white vulnerable teenage girls by white males as well which kind of proves my point.
I think they're all scum and deserved very long prison sentences but it's irresponsible to ignore statistics. Muslims make up circa 5% of the UK population but 90% of all men convicted of these kinds of offences are from the Muslim community. I haven't verified these figures but they come from a Muslim who is usually very well informed and accurate. It isn't being racist to acknowledge that there appears to be a cultural issue within a section of the Muslim community. There is no doubt that the majority of Muslims will find these crimes as disgusting and abhorrent as you and I do but there is definitely a problem amongst a section of that community.
http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/major...uspects-are-white-claims-new-report-1-7392637 Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
I'm not disagreeing with that (however I believe the statistics you quote are wrong) but if a lot of those convicted are Muslims then how can we claim that Muslims aren't investigated? If authorities were turning a blind eye to muslims committing these crimes then so many wouldn't be convicted for it.
Yeah and we also have to remember that those are just the cases investigated as part of the Jay report which focused on a certain type of CSE. It didn't include the kind of case where for example a white BBS member groomed a young teenage girl online before driving 70+ miles to meet her and engage in sexual activity because many of these cases go unreported because nobody has ever cared enough to ask these girls to come forward
Most abuse happens within the family https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing...d-sexual-abuse/sexual-abuse-facts-statistics/ I think your figures are a bit askew though it can't be argued that they are over represented statistically. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2013/may/14/child-grooming-sexual-abuse-race?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
They're not my figures JC, I am quoting directly from Maajid Nawaz so if not accurate I suspect they are pretty close. Regardless of the actual statistics overall, for which race / religion are irrelevant in my opinion, there are too many children suffering at the hands of abusers. Just one child is too many so the figures you posted in your link are both alarming and sickening. The protection of children, arguably the most vulnerable in society, must be a top priority and offences must be harshly punished.
Completely agree on all counts. I do think the social class of the girls in Rotherham played a massive part and how we as a society value people of that class. I don't for a minute think it would have been handled so badly in downtown Dore. These sort of girls are demonised. The people eulogising them now are just the sort of people who in a couple of years will be slagging them off as benefit parasites. We need to tackle the abusers but also the society that underpins the abuse that neglects and demonises the poor. Doing one without the other is pointless. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
There was a blind eye turned for too long and fear of being labelled a racist was an factor in this. Fortunately the evil b***ards who carried out these offences were eventually convicted. Had it not been for the determination of a few who refused to ignore these problems the men who were involved were convicted and have become part of the statistics.
I agree, they weren't believed because they were seen as feral but I have no doubt that there are issues of child abuse across all social classes far greater than we're aware of.
I suspect you are right about child abuse in general though the systematic grooming of children seems the centre around communities that society seems to value the least. That's no coincidence. Class to me plays a much bigger role in it continuing than any idea of race. Until we have tackled how society sees 'chavs' then there's no chance of eradicating it. If wider society sees you as almost sub human what chance have you got for them to believe you or indeed care if they do when summat like this happens. It's easier to look at race rather than ourselves in matters like this. What do I see when some gang of girls from a rough estate gets in my way in town. Do I really see them or just what they are? Would I help them if they approached me for help? Would I believe them. I really don't know. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app