In a desperate (and probably doomed) attempt at light-heartedness … “When you were little, what did you leave out for Santa before you went to bed?” Me - glass of sherry and a mince pie. Urgent message for all scientific fundamentalists: I KNOW SANTA DOES NOT EXIST. Just going back to a more innocent time when our parents poisoned our minds with fairy tales* about an imaginary man while we were celebrating the birth of another man who founded a religion responsible for the deaths of millions. Santa will be handing out presents to anyone who can get Corbyn, Brexit, racism or woke into this thread. *Fairies don’t exist either.
Sadly my belief in Santa was cut short on my third Christmas when a very pizzed dad fell base over apex delivering my pressies.
I was very confused one Christmas morning when the carrot I’d left out for Rudolph turned up in the toilet with chunks missing out of it. Many years later was told the dog was the culprit. Why he felt the need to put it in the loo I’ll never understand. He was a strange dog.
Glass of milk and a mince pie, however, every year I got Action man deserter (empty box). I stopped leaving stuff out when I left school!!
How chuffin well dare you. They both exist. ASK MY GRANDKIDS. And Corbyn. I just hope Santa gets a visa/work permit to get into the uk. (Brexit and all that). Some of the elves who I wanted to help santa. were of African persuasion. But the Racists kicked off. Does that about cover all the requirements of getting my presents. 3 points on Monday please Santa.
Certainly does Mr Hooky Feller. The imaginary big man's imaginary presents are on your doorstep now. He doesn't mess about.
Glass of sherry and a mince pie. (Are we allowed to say "mince" now?) And a long woollen sock hanging from the fireplace for the orange, apple and nuts.
Mince. A bit Larry Grayson or Mr Humphries but I think we'll just about get away with it. Yes, apple, orange, nuts (brazil in our case) and a big owd shiny penny.
Santa gets a Percies at mine. And Chuffin carrots fot reindeers. . They are sick of the sight of em. Reindeer eat mosses, herbs, ferns, grasses, and the shoots and leaves of shrubs and trees, especially willow and birch. In winter, they make do with lichen (also called reindeer moss) and fungi, scraping the snow away with their hooves to get it. An average adult reindeer eats 9 to 18 pounds of vegetation a day.
Well known that Santa eats all the carrots, mince pies, etc. and Rudolph sups all the booze, hence the red nose...
Thanks for educating me i'll be sure to tek the granbairns oveer the willow bank on Xmas eve to dig up 18 pounds of mosses, herbs, shoots, leaves, shrubs, and a bit of bark. Not sure they'll be too impressed, but hey ho it's only gunner happen once a year. Only joking MERRY XMAS ONE AN ALL.