Whitey Once upon a time he would have been ripping the club a new one on here on a night like tonight. Now he's reduced to trying to be positive on twitter, in the face of a very black pit. It must be really killing his pig, I hope they pay him well
In one way you make your bed & you have to lie in it when your passion becomes your job. I said that to him. He has to represent the club. He can't do the pissed up podcasts that we all enjoyed. Time for someone else to take that role. Keep up the good work Whitey. You are one of our own. Now, who's doing the podcast "Not a "Not a Podcast"".
I hope relegation doesn't give him a fresh licence to come back on here next season playing the soothing wise sage saying summat like " I know that we have a squad of wonderful players that could not possibly do anything but succeed -you might not be able to spot this but you don't know what I do and "believe" me we'll be alright". cos we've all heard it somewhere before.