The challenge: to grow a thread into as many pages, as fast as possible. At precisely 1pm PRECISELY I will open a thread titled ‘FASTEST GROWING THREAD.’ Get in there immediately. Doesn’t matter what you post. Obviously, the thread will be full of nonsense and not worth reading – so no different to any other thread. How many pages can we get to in an hour? Can we beat the American Election thread? Have I got nowt better to do today? No. 1 pm. Don’t miss out. Be one to tell the kids about in years to come. GO! Can’t see it growing faster or more pointlessly than the transfer rumours thread. True. But worth a go. . Can`t wait for 1 o`clock. Gives me something to look forward to. I know. It's like the first moonshot. Feeling tense already lol I'll be crown green bowling in the sunshine with my mates at 1 o'clock. So I'm out (literally as well as figuratively) But is there a god? Beat me too it, though only older posters will know what you are on about Well your choice but think on.... "Were you part of the world famous fastest growing thread in history grandad?" " Er, no. I was off playing bowls." Alarm set. Might not wake up, mind... Does a thread's next page begin after a set number of replies or is it after a specific number of lines or amount of content? If it's the latter then a series of really long replies would ramp up the numbers of pages really quickly. 20 posts Ok. In that case I'll delete the massively long reply that I had just made Good thinking though. Launch -50. Take your protein pills and put your helmet on. We've signed a striker. I'm sitting in a static caravan in Primrose Valley at the moment. When should I crack open my first beer today? I will not reply to this nonsense. Oh ****. Faster, faster. Brown bin just been emptied. Everyone has AIDS What a load of Yep, thought so... left it halfway down the road. ****** Didn't write b ollox Nothing to see here I've just bought a metre long threaded bar. Does that count? Me neither... What was the previous record for replies per Hour? Very underwhelmed by Devante Cole. Mmmm pizza We've resorted to this, so early in pre-season? I’m too busy to have to deal with this kind of nonsense Is there a god? No Whitty and Vallance don’t want this thread to end I'll be sitting in a static caravan on Flamborough Head on Friday. Good weather?
I tried to help boost the fastest growing thread by merging it with the other post. Looks like I've donw it wrong. :-( Sorry. #sacktheadmin
Glad folk stopped replying to it though Helen , it’s annoying when these things keep getting bumped up!