Where does the future lie for Barnsley FC? Our owner Mr Cryne is in poor health and has been trying to sell the club for years, his son does not want to step into his shoes. Where does that leave us? Does anyone know how much Patrick wanted for the club? Given that there seems to be about 8,000 to 10,000 die-hard supporters, is a buy-out by the fans feasible (obviously depends on the answer to the second question)? I'm not trying to stir things up or anything, it's just something that's been worrying me since the news of Patrick's illness was announced last year.
would have thought buying was the easier part day to day running apparently loses thousands according to "those in the know"
I hope Patrick has many more years in front of him and when the time for change does come I hope James steps up to the mantle and takes us forward.I feel we are a family /community club and I don't want some maverick investor using us as a play thing and wrecking all we've achieved.
This isn't intended as a dig at Patrick but i don't believe he has been TRYING to sell the club for years. He's been open the offers for years and has made public (to Barnsley supporters) that he desires an exit from the club but that is quite different to actually trying to sell the club. It is true that there haven't been many people approaching him to purchase the club but then there haven't been many people approach me to buy my house either. If i advertised it on rightmove and put a sign up outside that might change and i reckon it's the same with the club. In a world of 7 billion people how many know that Patrick cryne wishes to sell Barnsley FC? 15,000? And do you know why i don't think he has been very proactive in trying to sell the club despite wishing to? Because he knows that the club under himself hasnt actually been in a very good financial position with expenditure routinely exceeding income. I think that has got a lot to do with why he sold everyone in January to actually put us into a positive bank balance for once without his donations and loans and as he has said himself, he's using a lot of that money to improve training facilities and other things which will reduce running costs and improve the output. That in itself makes us more attractive to buyers so when he is ready to actually try selling, if indeed he ever does, then we will have more people interested.
You could be right there mate, all the critical remarks on here about January may be completely missing the point. It could well be Patrick "putting his house in order". In which case it's all logical and perfectly understandable and for the long-term interests of the club.