I got our tickets yesterday for the Barrow match, £25 for 4 of us. Unfortunately though doesnt look like many tickets have gone with this probably due to the current feeling about the owners and using it as a way of showing their feelings by staying away? If thats you and we draw Man Utd or Liverpool in the next round if we get through how many of the stay aways would also stay away from that match and who would go and line the owners pockets just to see a top Premier league team. For me i would love the opportunity to take my kids to see Ronaldo or Salah at Oakwell. Genuine question as i think a big draw would sell out available seats with ticket prices rising to more than double what they are for this game. Being honest in this scenario probably isnt easy.
I'm getting my tickets for Barrow. Won't be out of pocket because I'll be getting refunds for the Stoke game.
Easy for me to say as I don't get to games anymore but I'd like to think I wouldn't go although without a co ordinated protest it would likely be a futile gesture. Neither am I going to criticise you or anyone else going, you've every right. However, given the absolute s**t show the club is descending to there has to come a point very soon where mass action is taken by the fans to deny the owners income or make an unequivocal statement. If it isn't they will shamelessly continue to mismanage the club.
My son and I are definitely not going for the Barrow match. Your post just prompted me to look at availability - I don't know what our lowest ever FA Cup crowd is but based on numbers sold so far I wonder if it could be a new low. To answer your question, I don't know for certain but my current feeling is that I doubt I'd attend. I increasingly feel that it's somehow not 'my' / 'our' team I'm watching anymore. I know this isn't good but the thing that would make me most likely to attend any game right now would be an organised protest of some sort - walk-out or late walk-in for example.
Tickets purchased. I've never seen Barrow play before and I quite enjoyed their game against Ipswich on the TV. Really hoping the lads go for the win from the off, could be the boost of confidence we need.COYR!
Most people I’ve spoken to. (If not going) will pay on the day. As has happened afore. (So I don’t think the stadium map will be a true reflection at the mo.) With the potd turnstiles heaving and pre purchase empty. I purchased 8 together at the club as one of us is visually impaired and unable to do carer online. Else we would have been potd also. I will still be surprised for it to be above 5k btw.
I've got a ticket and I am going. Just so that in 20 years time I can definitely say that I was at the Barrow FA Cup game with the other 1,500 or so people
Won't be going, also if we were to win then I won't be going in the next round irrespective of who we draw. We've won 2 league games this season, and it certainly wouldn't be an upset if we lose to Barrow. Probably more of a shock if we actually manage to win the game
Be more barrow fans than barnsley be like that time we played Blackpool in the f.a cup and they were on a boycott about 3500 barnsley and 500 blackpool at Bloomfield road. Not sure weather ill go i havent seen live football for a while now so im tempted and its a winnable game. Plus its the f.a cup so gate recipts are split. Dont like whats going on at the club though.
Think I’m going despite my ill feelings towards the owners. Mainly because I’m a mug and a glutton for punishment. Might also be as I’ve only seen one win this season as I was on holiday for the Derby game. Can we officially pay at same price on the day then? I’ve not seen anything anywhere to confirm.
Not going cos the Cup is a toss competition. If we drew a big club next round the likes of Ronaldo or Salah would be rested. If we got to Wembley I'd be there, as would the vast majority on here, despite their self righteous bowlocks...
https://www.eticketing.co.uk/barnsleyfc/EDP/Event/Index/2039 The right decision was made to only open one stand because the East Stand is looking empty. Even a tenner isn't making many part with their cash to see if we can cause a cup shock.
Nowt self righteous about refusing to throw money at folk who don't deserve it. That's just financial common sense on my part.