Shame on all that plan to vote for this. You cannot claim ignorance.
Impeccable timing from Mr Corbyn to release this document to the public. However, it really is concerning some of the information that is in the document. I'll take any result in this election other than another conservative government.
Thats my position as well - well almost - Cant say I would be thrilled if UKIP or the Bexit ltd won either but that isnt going to happen
It seems that the people and communities most dependent on the NHS - and the thousands of foreign workers that staff it - are the ones that are most in favour of Brexit and hostile to immigration. They must really enjoy punching themselves in the face.
This has come as a real shock. I would never have expected this from a Tory party that has morals, always tells the truth and has the interests of the working man at the heart of everything they do.....twunts
Are people ignoring the fact that the NHS has always sourced drugs from private companies and indeed from foreign nations. Or are we only allowed to use the self protectionist EU?
If BoJo stays the PM and next year it becomes clear that the NHS is getting sold off to private companies in USA, we will surely have a vote of no confidence towards him and have to go to the polls again for another election.
Typical Tory.... your beloved party gets exposed for lying and you revert to whataboutery. How about giving us your thoughts on the very real likelihood that big pharma and Trump are soon to get their hands on our NHS??? The press are quick about it.
This guy just yesterday equated the hospitalisation of 2 supporters of labour in their 70s to vocal disagreement with Nigel Farage. He is sadly radicalised and lost. History will not be kind to him.
A little role play below.. Which bits are people not in favour of? US Pharma Co... Hi, we would like to offer our products and services to the NHS. UK Government... Well yes OK, that's fine we will check with the EU to see if that is allowed US Pharma Co... Ok thanks for opening up talks we hope deals can be done. UK Government... No problem, we have documented it and will get back to you. A few months later... UK Government... Ok it seems we can extend NHs purchasing to include your companies after all. US Pharma Co... Brilliant, we have this particular drug we would like to sell you.. UK Government... That's fine, how much per unit would this be available for? US Pharma Co... Well we charge £3.40 per unit.. UK Government...Well thanks for offering us, we will add it to the list of suppliers if we are ever short on that drug however we currently have an agreement for £1.60 per unit so won't be placing a regular order. US Pharma Co... Great shame but we could look to driving down costs we'll get back to you, we also have this particular drug we would like to sell you.. UK Government... That's fine, how much per unit would this be available for? US Pharma Co... Well we charge £3.40 per unit and would like exclusive supplier access.. UK Government...Well thanks for offering us, we currently buy in at £3.50 per unit however, we would definitely look to place orders in that case however we don't enter into exclusive agreements for important medicines. US Pharma Co... Ok well in that case we would only offer at the same price point as your current supplier... UK Government... We are more than happy with that, after all having multiple suppliers of important life saving drugs is always beneficial. US Pharma Co... Ok, what about this one, which isn't actually manufactured by your current suppliers but could save 1000's of lives in the UK? UK Government... Well, lets open talks and providing the medicine can meet NICE standards, we can open discussion on pricing. US Pharma Co... Fantastic, we will wait to hear back...
Typical Tory... Lifelong Labour voter but with my own opinion not those just allowed by the party leadership TitusMagee. Thanks though for your tolerance and labelling...
This exactly. It would never happen just people believing what they are told by the media or another political party looking to get into power. Lets be clear any party that did sell off the NHS and make it not free at the point of use etc would not be a political party afterwards, they would be obliterated in a forced election. If I were Boris, I would put this to bed immediately by announcing within the first 100 days of a new government an 'NHS protection bill' which I've suggested to my Labour MP before should be put into our statute books. Protecting the NHS free at the point of use status. Only removed via both firstly a parliamentary majority backed up with legally binding referendum. Not hard is it for any serious government to do!
Will any individuals who happen to be members of the Tories be making any money, personally, from any potential NHS trading deals with the US? Would any of them happen to be invested in certain big pharma companies I wonder? It's a rhetorical question but it is just my way of getting across how selfish, greedy and untrustworthy these people are. Forgive me for preferring the NHS as it is, but properly funded in a UK government looking out for the many, not the few or their own back pockets.