Are the guiding principles for those in public office. There are seven; Selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. Are there are any supporters of our current Prime Minister who would like to list which, if any, of these principles Boris Johnson adheres to
Yeah, Saw that, she had a go at the Mirror editor for saying she has and never would vote Tory, and saying it was just a media witch hunt, and we should get on with ‘running the country and address current issues. when the Mirror editor mentioned about the Police investigation, that woman just waved her hand and put her mask back on. I’m afraid Tory apologists just happy to carry on regardless
I see the Tory MP for Wetherspoons South has been showing herself up on the evening news defending Boris's p!ss ups by doing the interviews p1ssed herself, got to love Nadine Dorries haven't you? Go watch it and tell me she's not smashed.