How would you feel if bfc banned the sun from oakwell as part of a wider campaign of clubs banning them?
The less we see of that Nixon bloke the better, so it's a yes from me! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wouldn't bother me in the slightest. I do not like the scumbag rag and It saddens me to see ordinary folk buying it when most of the time it attacks the very fabric of their own socioeconomic status. However, it is their choice to buy the dam rag so be it. Also have to be careful about setting precedents here as well.
I'm rarely into banning anything. It largely doesn't work. I do agree with cleaning though. We don't need that **** in our town. Orgreave & Hillsborough tell us that.
In general terms banning anything , be it books, media , individuals etc because they say things or think things that someone else doesn't like is a slippery slope towards tyranny. Ideas and thoughts should be challenged , not suppressed. Sent from the darkest recesses of a poisoned mind.
That would send a powerful statement. It would stop me from being pestered by all those newspaper sellers in and around Oakwell who constantly push The Sun at me. It would mean that we could justifiably grab The Sun from those who instead of watching the match, simply sit there staring at page 3. It would enable every BFC employee to be searched each morning as they arrive for work, to make sure they haven't got an illicit newspaper on them. It might lead to people reading the news instead for a change. But what about just letting people make their own minds up themselves?
It isn't just saying and thinking things with the sun though is it. It's also having the phone of a murdered child amongst other things.
If I understood correctly the proposition wasn't to ban the reading and publication of it it was to ban the poisonous journalists like Alan "unsettle your team every transfer window" Nixon from getting access to the club
I'd reckon that by now it's down to its most hardcore of sales base - it could say and do anything and they'd still buy it - I suppose once advertising revenue drops - on the back of stuff like Mackenzie's written - then they'll notice ? Sent from the darkest recesses of a poisoned mind.
Silly. Banning freedom of speech for something that doesn't involve our club would start lots of other campaigns.
Nixon should be allowed access , but then the clubs representatives should be allowed to kick him in the stonks Sent from the darkest recesses of a poisoned mind.
Nobody is forced to buy The Sun so the best way to send them a message is to stop buying it. Personally I wouldn't even wipe my arse with it.
The Sun isn't a newspaper. It isn't even a toilet roll. Anyone who reads that piece of **** is a moron.