Just because we can't point the finger and say, "It's your fault" that doesn't mean it isn't wrong. It is. This weather's bloody wrong.
How can the weather be wrong? The weather just is It can't be wrong or right. It may not be what you want or what you would expect but does that really make it wrong?
RE: How can the weather be wrong? We look out of the window all winter at grey skies and dream of blue ones in summer and what do we get? No, it's bloody wrong. It wants sorting out.
You were chirruping on a few weeks ago about.... oh what a beautiful morning, etc. My garden needed this rain like nothing else. Now it has had it...... and I am chuffed to bits.
RE: You were chirruping on a few weeks ago about.... You've got a hosepipe for that. I'm chuffing off back to Ibiza till they get it sorted.