I will be taking my faithful hound. Normally, I’ll go up Scummer lane, the tred, grey hoss, or arcade ale house. Anyone know of other town centre establishments that allow dogs in ... except the corner pin cos the creatures that live in there are liable to try and eat him.
Take the Mutt for a walk, take it back home, then you can go in whichever pub/ bar you like. Unless the mutt is the only reason you can get out.
I can go out to the pub whenever i choose. However fridays i take the dog. Nothing finer than a nice stroll in autumn air with the dog and a decent pint to bring the working week to an end. You should try it.
Been for a nice stroll with the family today around DearneValley Park, fed the ducks (with seeds, not bread) walked through the woods. Enjoyed a couple of hours quality family time. Might go out later and have a a couple of hours with some mates, without a dog though.
When he can buy it yes. Went to No7 on Judds recommendation. It was empty barring a couple with a jack Russell a couple of builders and staff.
Yes, absolutely,We lost our beloved dog Charlie in May . Can’t bring myself to get another, not just yet anyway, although my 7 year old daughter is making a good case for getting another.
Just been walking 2 dogs I borrow on a regular basis, a cockerpoo & a cavapoo. Thankfully places I go (Meanwood & Otley mainly) most pubs are dog friendly. Nowt better than a walk & a couple of pints.
Yes, new owners changed the place for the better. I tend to favour Head of Steam, East of Arcadia in Meanwood & Woodies Ale House, which are all dog friendly & have great beer.