Not had it long and noticed footballers all tend to put the same ****. “Unlucky to concede the 5th today, we go again. Fans were unreal as usual ” etc. Ben Williams in particular seems to go through the motions. Does it get any better than this or shall I stop wasting my time and use it looking for 3way swedish model videos on pornhub?
For some reason, the FA are able to fine/ban footballers for posting inappropriate things on Twitter, and so players just stick to the platitudes.
"What a load of old ****" as Nan Taylor would say. I just do not understand the world today and this need to know what everyone is thinking and the need to tell everyone what they are thinking. "
I describe twitter as this Open your door and shout a random sentence in the street, only using 144 characters though (or whatever it is now). Shut door. If you are lucky/unlucky/bothered someone might hear it. 99.9999% of the (twitter) population won’t. The end.