This is something I have always done - I gave them a few quid this morning but it seemed like I was the only person in the street to do it - most of the people I know do it and they live not far from me (I live in London btw) - - I am beginning to wonder if this is something that is dying out? - what do you guys do? - to tip or not to tip that is the question
I don’t tip them. And the ones we endure certainly aren’t worth giving any more money to. We do give a tenner to one of the couriers who deliver to us, and some form of chocolate treat at Easter.
My thoughts n tipping are that it is only for times where an individual provides a personal service to you and makes it more enjoyable/does more for you than you have any reason to expect. In terms of bin men, if I thought they tried hard to be as quiet as possible at 6am when they're on my street, and they put my bins back where I left them then I might feel like they had gone above and beyond and give them a tip to reflect it.
To be honest I feel like I should tip our bin men after the hours of merriment they give me throughout the year, every Wednesday I look forward to our little game which I’ve called “ who’s driveway will our bin be outside this week?”
I am fortunate I guess DS - our dustbin men are fantastic - always take everything, no mess left and bins back exactly where I left them rather than halfway down the street and also reasonably quiet -
I never see them to tip them but the few times I've forgotten to take the bin down and come racing down with it or have an extra large item to dispose of they've always been obliging. They do a good job as far as I'm concerned
Our ones are really good to be fair. Always put our bins back where they should and they took a **** tonne of excess cardboard I had from flatpack furniture building earlier this week.
Never see the reason to tip someone for doing there job , I won't ever get a tip as I don't work directly with the public. Btw isn't it bin person
Back in the day they lifted carried and put your bin back. Now bins are on wheels and automatically lifted into the lorry and waste is now segregated so if the wrong waste is in tje wrong bin it doesn't get emptied. And they expect a tip?
Our window cleaner turned up yesterday. Peeing it down with rain and still did the windows two days before Xmas He didn't get a tip.