If you want to die for the cause get yourselves all lined up against a wall, say your piece and then im sure the uk's finest would take great pleasure in sending you to the 'better place'. Fruitloops the lot of em.
To all the suicide bombers I've loved before, They blew up on the ceiling & floor, I'm sick they came along, They filmed me in a thong, To all the suicide bombers I've loved before. This is not a time for joking you know.
Don't take your hangover out on me. I was only messing spadger. Anyway - he wasn't a sucide bomber. He got shot - so didn't commit suicide. He may have strapped them to himself for transportation purposes only. Or they might have been bags of drugs. Pfff. The Police keep jumping to conclusions. I bet the lad was taking some flour home to cook some naan's or summat. It's a disgrace.
He was going too cook his nan? They do it different than us them muslims. We chuck ours down the stairs. We all celebrate with a good curry though.
And a nice Ford Focus to transport the body. ''... and as the clouds parted - it was there ... it was beautiful ... a gret big cheque with my name on it.'' Shot 5 times for taking 4 bags of Bero onto a train. Disgusting.