People over 6 feet are more likely to get the ‘Vid: A woman apparently feels ‘more liberated and free’ when she wears a mask around Lidl: Cats can give you the ‘Vid: SNP politician advocates permanent wearing of masks for the rest of your life: And to think those of us who opposed the lockdown were the ones being marginalised and called ‘cultists’. Take a step back, and read these articles with your critical faculties intact. Then try and have an argument with me that the UK government, media and public’s response to all this is reasonable and proportionate.
There's a difference between advocating/accepting a lockdown and reacting like some people are doing. Some members of the public ARE stupid and would be stupid with or without lockdown. As for the Government lets not go through all that again...
Does it still say on .Gov masks dont work or have they taken it off. I wonder where the realisation will kick in that the decision to wear a facemask is politcal not scientific. Its a group think placebo because between the Governments inadequcies and the media hysteria people are **** scared to go out. They wash their tins of soup in the bath. Unless its a top end mask they wont stop a virus passing through them every time you inhale or exhale. Lets be right, given the media driven mass panic about how deadly Covid 19 is... why isnt there any biohazard bins for masks that are no longer required? I see more masks chucked about now around town than Maccies wrappings. And when given this forums hatred of the dreaded Boris will they start questioning the Governments logic or given the strong Socialist leanings of this site are they actually enjoying 'More Government'.
Totally missed the lot due to your poorly hidden Tory agenda. It’s well known that masks can catch spores ( not all)and help stop many spores travelling further than they normally would if coughed out for example, which if you’re in a confined space is quite helpful. Practically Everything this Govt has done or not done during this pandemic is fecking Abysmal. Why you don’t call out more of what this incompetent lot in Govt do, but you pick and choose Certain things that suit your agenda. If I can’t go in a shop without wearing a mask then the choice is go in or stay out. No one is enjoying more govt, Indeed, we have, and continue to, suffer from a chronic lack of it from day 1 of the lockdown, (which incidentally should’ve been at least day 14 by this time) Try telling someone who has been tragically affected by Covid 19, like my work colleague who lost her dad, that she is simply being driven by media mass panic. If people won’t throw them in bins as you say they’re not, then it matters not what bin there is. I’ve not noticed them strewn around town as you have indicated anyway. Strong Socialist leanings my arse,
Masks really not an issue here in Singapore. I am not pushing them as I would rather not wear, alas there isnt the home testing capability available that would let someone know if they should be outside or not. Thus masks whilst a bit inconvenient are a necesary evil at the minute.
I was told by a work colleague that you're safer wearing a surgical mask and changing it regularly than one of the fabric masks as the fabric masks let more through.
What do you mean by ‘more through’? More than a surgical mask? That’s pretty obvious. More than not wearing a mask? How’s that work?
I was told that masks don’t make you safer at all,,,,, they protect others from you, should you have the virus. Mixed message or what??
You get the argument that if a surgeon can wear a mask for 12 hours we can for 20 minutes in a supermarket Only forgetting that the masks they wear are the only ones that make a difference. If we all wore surgical masks then mask wearing would make a huge difference. Wearing a bit of flimsy cloth during the worst health crisis in a century doesn't work.
When you talk, sing, shout, laugh etc along with more obvious things like sneezing and coughing, you release respiratory droplets. aka spit. That's what the masks are stopping getting out into the air, onto surfaces, onto other people. Nobody is saying it's going to eradicate the virus, but it makes a difference.
I totally will make a difference, it's just not possible to quantify it...the point in shops for instance is that at least the mask would prevent involuntary sneezing or coughing droplets contacting, not only on other people directly, but the produce on the shelves or the fabric and fitments of the building that other people may touch. Masks may only make a small difference...but who knows how much...whatever good they do is worth the minor irritation of wearing them.
I really don't get why people think it wouldn't make a difference. If you sneeze normally for example it can travel a good distance, a mask is obviously going to reduce that dramatically, whichever way you try to spin it.
Sweden were pilloried for their approach. I look at things now, some months on, and wonder if they were right all along. And yes, I was one of the cultists on here who was anti-lockdown. Were Sweden wrong?
We’re Sweden wrong? I don’t know. There are too many variables. I will say that from everything I’ve seen the population of Sweden were extremely careful and courteous of their fellow citizen, even if there was no official lockdown. Everyone wearing masks, distancing etc. Compared to the UK who when told not to go to the pub before lockdown, people were out in their droves.