I do find it highly ironic she's standing on the basis of strong leadership and competence. There was a period early in the con_dem_nation years where a stronger leader would've sacked her for incompetently handling the Met, Qatada and border control measures (remember the massive queues at airports) within a few weeks of each other. She managed to wriggle free of pressure after key officials in the departments she was warring with somehow managed to resign. The last thing I consider when listening to her is competence. Control freakish bully, maybe. How I wish Spitting Image were still around!
She looks like a badly womble. Corbyn looks like an embarrassing relative Wonder if their child together would look like David blunkett?
There isn't one party leader I would follow into the trenches so to speak. Is she the best of a bad lot should be the real question?..
Amazing how she's not choosing to meet the everyday workers and voters, arriving and leaving by helicopter, speaking in front of carefully selected Tory voters where the camera angles are kept nice and compact and tight so it looks as if it's a packed audience when in reality it's not. All stage managed and contrived. "Strong stable leadership " seems to be the slogan Lynton Crosby is urging them to adopt. Aye, strong and stable with three million children relying on food banks in the holidays and returning to schools malnourished, collapse of the NHS, the Welfare system under severe stress , unrest and discontent amongst the population, divisions on Brexit Truly amazing at the way the Vicar's daughter and her party colleagues line their pockets at the expense of the poor and those most vulnerable. All politicians lie, we know that but Theresa May makes lying a fine art. Her father must be spinning in his grave ! Also, amazing how on social media there appears to be much support for Labour and lots in tactical voting to keep the Tories out but on the BBC with the delightfully biased Laura Kuenssberg, they are Unelectable. That's it, simply Unelectable and not worthy of airtime .
tbf social media by and large is an echo chamber unless someone goes out of their way to engage with those who think differently to them.
David Cameron was elected on the promise of stable and strong leadership. Just imagine the chaos if Ed Milliband was in charge....
No is the answer. Nicola Sturgeon is clearly the best and most able party leader. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
She makes the English lot look very poor comparatively whether you agree with her politics or not. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fans Forum
Aye if you like listening to a one track record over independence. If the scottish lib dems can describe your party of being in disary then somethings not quite right. I dont think outside of her core ideal of indepenence shes as astue as people like to make out.
Having met her a few times she definitely comes across as being very able and not a ' one trick pony'. Of course the English Murdoch based media portray her in a certain way it suits their agenda. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
You mention the collapse of the NHS. If there is a collapse the blame could be put at Labour's door, which thanks to Alan Milburn is costing the NHS billions with the PFI.