Travelling 'abroad' to watch the Reds (iFollow)

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by KFC, Aug 6, 2021.

  1. KFC

    KFC Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2006
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    Now we're back to the standard ifollow terms, I'm going to greatly miss the opportunity to chuck away a tenner each Saturday away game in the optimism we'll win, only to discover after 10 mins we're going to get battered.

    Now I understand that this is possible for Reds fans living abroad, and that a large number of fans are able to travel 'abroad' for the relevant period on a Saturday using something called a VPN (which I imagine to be a bit like a hovercraft, but less choppy). Since the cost of Covid tests are so prohobitive at the moment, I too would like to travel 'abroad,' but without having to board a flight or seafaring vessel - so I wondered if anyone could supply me with the relevant 'travel advice'?

    I seem to recall a 'travel agent' posting a guide on here some time ago, but I can't find it because I'm pissed and can't be arsed to search properly.

    Thanks in advance.
    Mr Roman Aboutabit

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