350 Million people. And these are their best two politicians. An Indication, if any indication was needed, about the state of America. Frightening. America has to be the leading light in the world. If they are not - then this leaves a big hole for China or Russia to step in to.
Why is it always China or Russia? Why isn't it Japan or India? Genuine question, but people always talk about China or Russia taking over, but India is not too far behind China in terms of population or economy. Japan is 3rd in line behind the USA and China (or 4th if you count the EU). In fact, why not the EU taking over.
Was quite impressed with Biden. Keep hearing how he’s this dementia riddled senile rapist - thought he came across as intelligent and empathetic.
Its quite ironic that the republicans and media have tried to depict Biden as that.... when its actually more suited to describe their own candidate.
If I was Mr Wallace in that position I'd have struggled not to get out of my seat and bitch slap the bigoted old tw*t. Hope the next debate anchors have the guts to just tell him to shut, answer the question and stop lying. Mind you look at the state of our own debates they let Boris gob off without any adequate challenges.
Watching our PM today when it was put to him that he'd dropped a cod over the Covid regulations, instead of apologising, he started waving his arms around, lost his temper and started shouting that we all should be sorting the problems out together. Typical political response when facing attack, respond by going on the attack. Pathetic.
As someone said on Twitter: "The only winner of last night's debate was the Voyager probe, which is speeding away from Earth at 38,000 miles per hour."
On 4 OD, there's a great 3 part series, featuring Grayson Perry as he tours the US and talks to members of the public. A great but sad and sometimes frightening look at the fault lines in that country.
Both absolute loons not fit to run a country. Thought I had stumbled on to a preview of the new spitting image it was that daft. Both at it with the name calling and focused on each others personal life rather than the job in hand. Waldorf and Stadler on steroids..
Biden always wears rosary beads on his left wrist. A quick fact check shows these videos are a load of rubbish. I can't believe someone would post Qanon twaddle like this.
Have you ever looked at the EU leaders and thought 'theyre going to take over, their policy is too strong'? Same might go for Japan, i dont know
I can. People apparently lost the ability to think a few years ago and just parrot any old ******** they see on Facebook, which is specifically targeted at the gullible.