Brilliant! Can't help but think Trump and his Campaign are reading from the Lukashenko/Belarus 'playbook' short of calling out the National Guard and taking over the count. His latest press conference was cut off by the three main networks and now some senior members are starting to openly distance themselves from him. The frivolous Pennsylvania lawsuit the Trump Campaign filed has been thrown out by a federal judge. One of his sons has stated there should be "open war" to defend the polls (translates as defend his father)! If that is not an incitement to riot I do not know what is. The last throws of a desperate man. I laughed out loud at video of Republican supporters chanting "count the votes" in one state (where Trump is winning but Biden is rapidly gaining ) cutting to another where Republican supporters are chanting "Stop the count" where Trump is winning but Biden is rapidly gaining. Someone pointed out that Electoral fraud is only being claimed by the Republicans in the Presidential vote. No one has raised that argument in the other two Elections held at the same time where the Republicans did better than they might have expected I do not know enough, nor do I really care, about domestic American politics to comment on whether, for the working man in America, Trump has been positive or negative for the US economy. I take media reports from UK and other sources with a pinch of salt. He may be as he claims (unlikely) or not, be victim of anti Trump bias from a large section of media as throughout his Presidency he has been pretty much 'at war' with them, constantly claiming bias and misinformation and spreading false news. Well! He should know as these past few weeks have shown he is a World leader of those tactics. Putting aside policies, the past few days have highlighted (if that was ever in doubt) that his character and integrity make him unfit to fill the role of World Leader. Biden if he wins (as is looking more likely) is going to have his work cut out healing the chasm between Republican and Democrat voters that Trump has widened still further particularly in the past few days. His sons claiming that the 'fraud' makes them look like a "banana republic. I would suggest Trump is managing that all by himself." and history will judge him as the most divisive US President ever to hold office (even over Lincoln who presided over the American civil war)
Spot on mate, my hate of Trump is nothing to do with what I see on various news outlets it’s to do with what I see coming out of his own mouth. The man is a narcissist and bully
Has he got the domain @Trumpedupcharges ? If he hasn’t he should have . Hopefully in next few years FBI and the IRS go after the whole family big time including Guiliani and any other who’s calling on these armed militias .