Does anyone on here know anything about it? I don’t have an aerial, watch live tv or use I player (have a tv for DVD’s and Netflix that doesn’t receive signal) but I constantly get quite intimidating letters saying I’ll be taken to court etc. It’s at the point now where they’re sending people around and I’m considering subscribing to one to make them leave me alone. Does anyone know the best course of action? It just seems silly to spend money on something I don’t need. I’m also concerned about subscribing to one now as they might start asking questions about why I’ve not had one up to now? Again to restate by the rules on their website I do not need one Ps I’ve done the online declaration saying I don’t need one already and it didn’t help.
Aye but it seems absolutely crazy to have this unnecessary stress to purchase a product I don’t want or use.. it’s not like the fishing license people are at my door every day accusing me of fly fishing in my bedroom on the sly.
I think that as long as you do not have the ability to watch anything Live then you can get away from the licence...not sure , but I think I read this somewhere.
I agree. Although I'm always in fear of the river bailiffs. But they'll never catch the Masked Poacher.
You can have the ability as long as you don't do it. You can have a fc with an aerial and a sky subscription and the lot but you don't need a TV licence unless you actually use it.
Send an email headed 'complaint' to telling her that you do not need a TV licence, she and her employees have no reason to suspect that you need a TV licence, you have told her employees that you do not need a tv licence and yet you are still suffering harassment from her employees who, despite having no evidence to back their witch hunt, are constantly claiming that you have a TV licence. Explain in the complaint that these allegations that you are using the service without paying are defamatory against your good character and any further allegations will result in action being taken They'll soon stop with their visits and letters
As long as you don’t watch I player or record/watch live tv then one isn’t required. Don’t bother wasting time trying to communicate with them. Pointless. They will keep sending the same four letters regardless on cycle to illicit a response occasionally send round an angry bloke who has the same level of authority as a big issue seller. In fact should you so wish you can forsake the tax and just watch tv as you see fit. The only way that the muppet from capita will catch you out is if you essentially confess to watching tv when the glorified salesman knocks at which point you’ll be questioned under caution.
They do still come round to check your declaration is truthful. If you haven't seen this already
The letters are fvcking horrible. I get them all the the time. The Sheffield enforcement division have now authorised a visit. I know what the law is. I don't break it. If they want to come in, they can get a court order.
I thought that if you have a TV receiver and it is capable of showing any BBC programs then it doesn't really matter whether you watch them or not, you need a license.
I didn't have one for 11 years as I didn't watch tv. They wouldn't leave me alone either (only letters though, no visits). I think it is absolutely shameful the tactics they use. They once send me a pamphlet that just said 'advice for when we take you to court' with nothing at all about if you don't need one. They disgust me. If they had turned up at my door I considered the idea of handing them an invoice for my made up florist services and telling them that I would be coming around to their house to check that they don't have any of my flowers as I didn't believe them and that they could either pay me up front or I would be fining them for £1000 if I caught them with some.
Their tactics are disgusting. It's the arrogance implicit in it too, as though nobody can live without their services. I hate Capita and I hate the BBC.
Nope you can have anything you want. You only need a licence for actually using the service which requires it
The law has changed recently and you no longer need to have a tv but any device capable of playing live tv programmes. So your pgone, computer or tablet if you watch or record a live program on them.