Never had one until today. A photo shows i was slightly over in a hatched red box to my right hand side however it didn't impare the vehicle parked next to me. Do i pay it or ignore? If i pay within 14 days of offence its £60 if not it goes up to £100.
I'm led to believe that the worst thing you can do is ignore it. The two parking fines I've had, one was clearly their error and I successfully contested it, one was clearly my error and I paid the fine. Not helpful I know, but I'm sure someone more legally savvy than me will confirm not to ignore it.
i feel like appealing it as i dont believe i affected any other vehicles parking. Just feel its an OTT fine for something so trivial as being parked slightly over a red hatched box.
If you are in the wrong just pay up. Small mistake and might be petty but not worth the hassle just admit your mistake and move on.
I feel like you’re basing your decision on the wrong thing. Whether you impacted someone else or not is irrelevant in whether the fine stands or not, regardless of how unfair that feels. The only question is: did you park in a way that goes against the rules? If you did then you need to pay it before the price increases, if you didn’t then challenge it. There’s not enough information here for us to know the answer to that question without photos and a detailed knowledge of the parking rules.
My advice speaking from experience don't ignore it, my wife received one whilst at work and was told by work to ignore it. We didn't hear anything until last year when we started to get a mortgage etc, we found out that they had proceeded to turn it into a CCJ. No letters or anything to clarify this was the stage it went to, had to pay it off which ended up been more than the initial fine anyway & a mark on the credit rating etc.
They would have had to pursue a formal claim to get a CCJ, which should have been served on your wife as part of the process. You would likely have been able to get the CCJ set aside. Historically the fines were arguably unenforceable at all, but the law has been clarified and they are enforceable in principle. I doubt whether they do seek to enforce them all - I know my brother in law ignored one and nothing came of it. I imagine they pursue a proportion of unpaid fines based on some sort of algorithm/analysis of likelihood of recovery based on type of car/address etc. I'm not sure whether appealing is more or less likely to result in being pursued if the appeal isnt actually credible - on the one hand it suggests you might cause them extra hassle and expense, but on the other hand you've confirmed that you were the driver, confirmed where you live and they know you respond to letters...
I got one in Wellington house car park honestly didn't know it changed to a private company it used to be free with blue badges ,appealed it to the company itself which failed so did it with the ombudsman type thing. That was successful so worth the effort if you think your in the right doesn't cost anything but your time.
Unfortunately there are many examples of people saying they had not been advised of being taken to court by some of these Companies. If the defendant doesn’t attend the court will automatically find in the favour of the claimant. Up until about 4 years ago the advice to ignore was sound as no Parking company had ever gone to court but as you say a test case was taken to Northampton and won. It seems on average now 1-3 cases are taken to court, meaning it is now a real lottery. If anyone is thinking of challenging I would advise the following; Never use the phrase appeal and if they are to win they have to be able to prove a number of things typically, is there enough and appropriate signage? Did you see the signage? Did you understand it?
I once got a parking ticket in Oxford (for a match). I searched around for signs and found one eventually, hidden in a tree! Before the days of mobile phones so had to just cough up. A colleague had one on the retail park in Huddersfield close to their ground. She ignored it. Had some reminders but didn’t hear anything after. That was ten years ago. I think if it was me - I’d have ignored it back then but not now. Appeal or pay.
You can appeal it but you are probably appealing to the private companies appeals team - which weirdly almost always find in favour of the company. There should be an independent appeals service you can send a letter to, use them instead. If it fails, just pay up.
I pulled in one to make a phone call and check emails on phone, I didn't get out of the car, I was there 21 minutes I didn't think and drove out. Vehicle recognition thing £60 done for. Tried appealing computer said no.
Couple of months ago dropped a prescription off at Old Mill Lane Asda - early morning - no time to wait for it - left it there and took son to work. Returned late afternoon to pick up drugs. Week later received notice of parking fine because I had been 'in the car park over the allotted time.' Son's work place able to provide a photo of my car at his work place so appealed and won. The number recognition system clearly clocked me going in the first time and had linked it to my leaving the second time.