I know some don’t believe what he says so take it with a pinch of salt. For those who can’t read what he’s put he’s said we’ve been targeting foreign coaches for weeks. He feels we’ve been unfair on Murray as given the help, he might be the right choice. We have spoken with candidates but nothing has come of it. A win on Saturday and Murray stands a good chance. If we lose, we may struggle to get anyone.
I do think that he has connections in the game and gets a lot right. However, it’s been a long time since he’s got anything right about us that isn’t in wider circulation or guessable. In fact at random I’d say he’s not got much right since about 6th February 2018.
“We have spoken with candidates” but when we have til them we only sign18 year olds “ nothing has come of it”
If Murray ends up with the job it sounds like it will be because no one else wants it. A win on Saturday changes nothing if it's not followed by more wins so I cant see it being a pivotal.moment.
"given the help" If Stendel had been given the help he'd asked for he would've been the right choice. I'm not sure these are interested in giving out the help that's needed, they want someone to toe the line.
As i keep on saying over and over again, Murray has the job for the foreseeable future. Nothing has changed.
So........ as posted by others...Murray will have the job. Cheap and a yes man...oh and we've sp#nked 95% of our budget on kids not ready for this level.....until another year....where we will sell them for the first offer, under the market value ...and then replaced with kids not ready for this level until another year....rinse repeat.
Don't you know rinsing requires effort and extra cost??? We just repeat.... don't even bother with the rinse phase!
I'm fully expecting a fire sale in January to remove costs to offset as much of the £6m lost revenue as possible upon relegation. Obviously they'll not include any contractual salary reductions, they'll perceive we've forgotten about these January sales and sell a few more in the summer to secure our long term future, then expect us to welcome back George Miller as an amazing new signing with amazing stats that will propel us back to the Championship.