Best news we’ve had all year. I can’t wait to see my gran parents again, genuinely could cry. Barnsley win and the vaccine approved. What a cracking Wednesday morning. You reds!
We've approved a type of vaccine that has never been approved for humans before, that has gone from conception to approval in 10 months, when usually, with the type of vaccines we have a lot of experience with, longitudinal studies over years are required to earn a safety certificate. What could possibly go wrong?
I dunno, but well done for not calling anyone a "fcking nazi" for the past 12 hours or so. You are doing well...
I'm just getting sick of you bullying and being abusive to other posters on here to be honest. People who haven't been abusive to you whatsoever, and not just on the vaccine subject, bloody Maradona ffs!!! We all have **** to deal with, it isn't just you. Grow up.
Great news at long last, now where's the queue? Well done to all the scientists involved in this first vaccine and all the others still in the development and/or approval processes. I for one appreciate your hard work!
Fantastic news. Brilliant work by everyone involved. Hopefully we can manage to get ‘normal’ life back as soon as possible with as little further damage (health and economy) as possible.
TitusMagee - "pedalling extreme right wing views!??? Really????? Are you ON something? Your posts are getting more extreme and worrying. Again, seriously I think you should seek professional help as you are displaying worrying signs that all is not well in your head. I don't recall you previously posting the sort of angry , extremely antagonistic vitriolic stuff you are currently doing. Seriously mate ... get help.
I'm chuffed to bits by this news, however not to be a party pooper I think folk will need to ensure that they're legally covered for any complications. If folk do suffer any medium / long issues who are responsible. Have the government waived legal culpability from the manufacturers and therefore will the state accept any blame on their behalf? I'm a pro vaccine kinda guy, but I do like to know if anything goes wrong where i stand legally.
Fair enough. I am still worried for him though. I always remember his posts as not being ridiculously OTT or extreme. But lately they seem to be coming from someone angry, cynical and bitter and not at all, like I said, how I remember them Maybe just me!
He's got form for it over the past couple of years I've been on here, but more so of late I agree. No problem with his views even though I don't agree, but calling people Nazis and inferring they best not bump into him as a war is coming like last night is totally unacceptable. If Nudger had come out with it everyone would have been on it like a rash.
It's not a race though is it? It's got to be seen to be fully tested and unharmful before it gets released
Incredible news. There will always be anti-vaxers, but for the vast majority of people this is the news we’ve been desperately waiting for. We’ve had a bit of a ‘parting’ with one of the neighbours recently. Lovely couple but staunch anti-vaxers, won’t wear a mask and have put all their faith in homeopathy. And they wear copper wristbands.
True but you'd think the country that created it would have approved their own vaccine first. Compared to the You Gov poll the other week it's good to see more now don't think it should be mandatory.
If the useless orange c.nut did his job and spent less time on the golf course and Twitter, then maybe it would. It’s tantamount to genocide the ways he’s behaved. For any other country to be approved first from an American pharma company, is shameful.