as you know i had my 1st shot on tues in wakey it was the oxford one. they gave me all the bumf about side effects which i just gave a glance to ( men and instructions eh!) i felt great, i even had a couple of rather stiff vodka n oranges that night and went to my pit with a slight wobble on at 23.15, at zero dark 30 i woke up freezing cold and sweating like a bacon pig but wrapped in the quilt, ( pigs in blankets ) my legs felt like they used to after a game of football ( box to box midfield and yes a hell of a longtime ago) and my arms like i'd doubled up on upper body at the gym, i was gagging for a drink and supped 2ltr of pre-mixed mint+lime cordial ( arrrgggghhhh ice head) and was still peeing toothpaste because of the dehydration, i went back to my pit and was hallucinating but there was enough of me left to know they were hallucinations, i managed a bit of kip and got up a bit unsteady about 0800 and felt like i'd gone 10 rounds with a very spiteful and bad tempered tyson fury, spent most of the day napping in the chair, i watched styles goal then went to bed only to wake up at 0217 feeling ok and trying to find out the final score, UREDS !. i went back had a fitfull kip probably due to the fact of my massive previous chair naps and feel brill today apart from the injection site it feels like it was done with a knitting needle hehehe, when all said and done its better than the alternative covid/death, thank you astra zenical/nhs, i cant wait for my next jab but think i might lay off the Apres jab vodka.
Some countries are advising not to drink after having the jab, I think due to the potential negative impact it has on your immune system’s response. My Mexican in-laws were given this advice.
the thing was because i knew what it was it didnt bother me, i just had toget through a couple of hours flu symptoms and i'd be fine...................................................... now if it had been "manflu" different kettle of fish altogether
I drank after mine too and had the same side effects. Only lasted a day though and I was popping paracetamol and back on the Magners.
Gally, whether it was the drink or not, take my advice and for the sake of 24/48 hrs it just aint worth it, i know for my follow up i'm doing 2 days before and 2 days after dry
I had the AZ vaccine and couldn't get to sleep that night due to a mild fever - cold sweat etc. Took a couple of paracetamol and got some sleep. Felt a bit rough in the afternoon the following day but that was it.