It is nearly tea time. We are not too upset about nil nil. The doorbell rings. Monkey : Hello! Julian Broddle, long time no see. I WAS sorry about that incident with the javelin you know. Julian: Training balls for Kexborough Chiefs Monkey. Monkey: Thank you, that's a big help. Even Barnsley FC have chipped in with £500! Ronni : Dad, dad, DAAAAAADDD! SHUT DOAR! They're back. They're chuffin back. Monkey : Stop shouting or I'll make you sit in the Pontyend. Who? Ronni : Ther massive, ther d d d Deedarleks! CHUFFIN DEEEEDARLEKS!! RUN!!
Ronni : Av ad em in on igh fer 20 minits an itant killed em! Dad! Chuffin deedarleks, they waint shurrup what can wi do? DAD! WHAT?!? Monkey : Patience Ronni. Patience. We'll just have to take them upstairs.... Monkey : ....and put them on the settee with Nana Leedschav..... Ronni : But they waint shurrup bart ow gud they is! Monkey : ....and we wait....we WAIT....and trust in Barnsley football club to deliver a Happy New Year. Ronni : A luv thi dad but tha's a reyt daft bugger sometimes!
Win, lose or draw, Monkey provides comedy gold. But, Monkey, have you been dressing up as a doctor again and accessing my medical records? The only people who new about the 'javelin incident' were myself, Steve Backley and his wife and the surgeon who removed it. We'd all had a drink and Steve was supposed to be in Seoul.
You must have forgotten Beijing 2008 then Julian. Do you often get pierced with javelins ? That makes me feel less guilty. Thank you