The amount of players missing is crazy. Woodrow we know about. Kitching has concussion. But we don't know where the rest are! Benson, Oduor, Sibbick, Morris, Brittain, Halme, Oulare... what is going on
Asbaghi (in his previous prematch interview) said it wasn’t policy to disclose injury information (when asked about Helik).
Maybe they're worried that if anybody sees them play then their transfer value might be negatively affected...
Well, where to start? I've got tennis elbow in my left arm, and worryingly the pain sometimes spreads to my chest on the left side. My lower back hurts if I walk more than about 8 miles, but soon recovers. Both my knees are shot after many years of football, walking and skiing. I've got terrible sleep lines, one of which looks like a deep diagonal scar on my forehead. I burnt my finger yesterday putting a log on the fire. Otherwise I'm grateful to be top fit.