I can remember, I include the 2002/03 team, far weaker than the Wilson 14/15, Johnson/Hecky 15/16, stendel 18/19 and Duff 22/23. If you said to a neutral this team was in the L1 play off final 3 months ago they'd send for people in the white coats. Paying the price for a poor pre season and cost cutting recruitment. Sounds like the sequel to Conway's post play off cluster**** Volume 2 "How to dismantle success" available in now in a good bookshops
We have some good players at this level problem is many of them don't want to be here and we have players who aren't good enough for this level and a inexperienced head coach.
the bigger problem is we don’t really want them to be here either. We want a return on investment. You can’t blame players for lacking loyalty when we sell ourselves to them as a stepping stone rather than a professional club who want ‘success’
We've got your season ticket money. Thanks for your blind optimism and undying love. We'll go back to Beverley Hills and see some fashion shoots. Go Reds. See you after the bust for some venture capitalist boom in League 2. #couldntgiveafcuk.
But so many times I've seen people on here say why did we sell there under contract.... But they wanted to leave... well make them stay nd honour the contract... this is the result.
The board don’t want them to do that. They want a return on investment. Sporting success is irrelevant to them.
Many of these player who are good enough want out there's been interest and bids knocked back. It shows they want out in interviews and performance. If we paid more they may not want out. I'm not disputing or defending how the club is run but there's no loyalty in football or sport, you want loyalty go get a dog. The problem is we buy unproven polish them up sell when they come good and then buy more unproven. We don't want to sell kitch kane and Williams as we know they can do it and it's too many to let go in one window, but they don't want to be here and it shows.
I think you miss the point. We do want to sell them. That’s the business model. No one has met their price yet but you’d imagine they will
I don't miss the point at all, I get we want to sell players and make money the owners have already put money in to keep the club afloat, the relegation cost us 6/7million. Compared to 10 years back when we had a owner who wasn't the richest but would put his own money in for players and lost money been a "custodian" we now have owners who want to make money or get there money back. We have players who's heads have been turned they can quadruple there wages and it shows in there game.
After Kitchings last couple of games if £2m, £2.5m is still on the table I'll drive him to Coventry myself.
“What’s the point in getting to the playoffs if you can’t then sell any of your players? “ (Paraphrasing, but close enough) Khaled El Ahmad, 2021/22 He hasn’t missed the opportunity this time and I suspect more will follow this week or next
Our recruitment policy of just young hungry, sell on for profit only is killing us at this level, sure half a dozen in the squad, nurture them bring them on, sell them, but this league is unforgiving and needs solid proven players nevermind all this PPDA stuff or whatever was spouted last night, it's over complicating a club with 12k gates that needs bums on seats and a winning formula to be competing to get outbof this league in the right direction.
WE ARE NOT A BAD TEAM, look at the players we just need a bit of gel time, top of the league by Oct, keep the faith, C,O,Y,R.
People said that about the Marcus Schopp team after we'd lost mowatt, infact people sat round me were still saying "but we were in the playoffs last season" by that point it was late October
Again you are missing the point. We want the players to ‘have their heads turned’ we sell the club to them on that basis that as soon as we get an offer we can live with we will sell regardless of whether that means tumbling down the leagues