Too few people have too much.
IMO the meta game here is to replace our current corporate influenced model of government, complete with its ill functioning system, with a fully corporate owned version that will shred all existing checks and balances. That's clear in the USA with Trump, not so clear here in the UK, but imo Muskvs recent comments suggest he thinks Farage isn't up to the job.
I dont think its just Trump. Think its both sides. Kamala raised a tonne more than Trump, 1.5 billion, and she had more billionaires backing her than Trump did, which as a working class lad, feels bizarre to me for that to happen on the left. Scary times ahead.
She might be a social liberal, but Harris is about as much on the left economically as David Cameron or Theresa May.
I'm still gutted she ran. She gave the right ammunition by back tracking all her left wing views making her seem a flip flopper, and disappointed the left by selling them out - especially parading the Cheneys. God awful move that was.
Yeah. Although the American mainstream left is somewhere between our LibDem and One Nation Tories. The Republicans are now somewhere between Reform and the BNP.
As others have said Democrats aren't left wing, they're just left of Republicans. As I said, imo, issue no longer is one of corporations and big business being happy heavily funding and influencing government policy, but that of owning it lock stock and barrel. They want to place their own figures in government and then gut the systems and procedures that allow it to function how they want it, because at present despite changing to Trump it still runs in ways that are counter to what he wants to do. See Project 2025