Which are the worst? Sheffield born or from our locality? I don’t know many of their fans. Mate of mine supported them when we were kids, but he was ok and we didn’t really get into any arguments. The few others I’ve known over the years were a bit condescending - it seemed to be their default attitude. I worked with a fowl from Sheffield and he was great, in fact we still stay in touch and send the odd text on match day. Another time I walked back to my car with one after a late late FLT defeat. He was almost apologetic because we’d been the better team. Nice bloke, shook my hand and wished me a safe trip back. Does anyone find the Barnsley based ones are the worst?
Having briefly thought about it, yes, I think they probably are. I worked and lived in Sheffield for a few years and knew quite a few Wednesday fans and they were fine. Usual banter but quite honest with their assessments. I can think of 5 or 6 who live(d) in Barnsley and they were largely all obnoxious when it came to their team. Not scientific by any means from such a small populace, but you might have struck upon a thesis in the making!
The Barnsley-based ones are always the worst. Those born and bred in Sheffield are doing what the majority of us are doing. Following their hometown team(or whichever of their hometown teams their family follows). Those from Barnsley that slag the club off for being "tinpot" or having no ambition(I'm willing to bet everyone who knows a Tarn-based Dee Dar has heard this from them) are an embarrassment and deserve all the misery they get. Must be honest though, I've never really experienced it from Utd fans. I used to work with a bunch(including the companies owners), and they were all sound as a pound and wanted us to do well. The Wednesday fans I've worked with were almost to a man, arrogant tossers...
Some of my best mates from pit were Wendy’s unfortunately . Pain in the arse when football related but same as anybody else in life I suppose .
I know a Sheff Utd fan, born and bred in Barnsley. Absolute knob when it comes to footy. Otherwise alright.
To be fair people living around Hoyland, Birdwell, Tankersley and southern parts of Barnsley, are as close to, if,not nearer to Hillsbro’ than Oakwell.
Is it not similar to the non Mancunian Man Utd fans (and teh plastic scousers), who always feel the need the justify why they support a different team to where they're from?
One of my life long mates is an owl and got to say we very seldom bring football into conversation sound lad from Grimey
Most of them are around South Barnsley, from Wuz to Elsecar. I’d rather have them than Leeds fans, Royston way.. We have some good banter down here. Reds, Owls, Blades, & Millers, where I live..
The ones from Sheffield don't really get the rivalry, because they're only concerned with United and Leeds. They don't realise how many gobshite owls fans there are in places like Hoyland who go around giving it the big one.
I don’t mind those that go to games. Generally banter. I Work mostly with Dee dahs. ( Most o’reight and are normal like the rest on us. Banter brilliant) It’s the armchair, never been, ones, who are by far the worst. Slag off the tarn. And know less than I do about their supposed clubs. Believe me. that’s bugger all nowadays. Used to have some. Trot out the excuses :- Wunt let Paul Sykes take over. Nivver want to go up. Can’t afford it. They are/were the ones that Boil/boiled my piss. Not so much nowadays. As their arguments just don’t wash.
Only ever really known one, mind you when we were at Wath Grammar School, he was a Rotherham supporter..... Edit, I shared a house with one in Derby in 1983 when we were both on a TOPS course in IT at Derby tech. He was from Worksop and didn't drive, so when I went to my mam's for the weekend I used to drop him off and pick him up at his mam's house. He never once offered to give me any petrol money.... Apart from that he was ok, we went to Hilsbrough once (lost 2-0) and had it was all very friendly. Until some git outside the ground ripped my scarf off and chucked it on the ground...
If I can add my tuppenceworth here. I’m with you Hooky. Much the same here. I have friends who support Rangers and Celtic. Always shouting how great and wonderful their heroes are. But to a man not one goes to ever see their heroes. Not even when they play in Dundee. Pisses me off and I can’t be doing with it. Armchair football know it all’s
True. When I meet anyone at work for the first time. Eg New starters, Or anyone’s (family mainly) new partners. My first Question is. “Who does tha support” Everyone else in ear shot plays along and says. “Be careful. dunt say the wrong un” The fear in their eyes is a joy to behold. Most replying. “Err, I’m not into football” or “ I only take a bit of interest in ........” I say “ if it’s Leeds. Dunt be asking me for advise” .” Or, to family , “Get shut on him/her”
My daughter was scared at first to let me know her choice of partner was an Aberdeen supporter. Unfortunately my grandson now runs about in a red and white outfit. Well no in my house. I have standards.