All involved. Thoroughly deserved. Way above and beyond what I predicted. A wonderful professional season, and I feel honoured to support a club that has performed so well. There's many who should feel very, very proud of themselves tonight. Superb.
Fully footballing side by a street mile...5 players in league one side.......wonderful night....well done our brilliant coach and the squad.!! uuuuuuuuu reds!
Likewise. Had a feeling we would win the next 5 after Burton and that the others would stumble. Brilliant team, great resolve for such a set of young lads. Really looking forward to next year. There’s nothing to fear. You reds!
Just having a laugh, pal. Nowt against you. Bit of banter is all, on a night when I'm sure we're all chuffed to bits.
Got to be up for work at half 6 but I’m too excited/alert for sleep any time soon. This feels incredible. What a team.
Thanks mate, that's really magnanimous of you. What a sterling effort from your lads to nearly claw back a huge deficit. Just one step too far. Good luck in the playoffs.
No need for what?!? It was a light-hearted wind-up, not a personal insult. Nothing against Conan; never argued with him or 'owt. I'm possibly just as glass half-empty as he is much of the time! I do hope this board is going to rediscover its humour back in the Championship.