Sure it was supposed to be Cardiff. Anyway, having a great time trying to read the road signs. Should stick to the reading the English ones though it does save time. Gone a bit George Spicerish as I’m having a Latte and Carrot cake. Might have a couple of bevvies in a bit. Avoiding the crowds at the moment as 4 coach loads of us arrived together, some of the younger ones tending to be a bit noisy, locals wondering what the hell’s going on.
You’ll be hard pressed to find a pub that’s not full as I’m reliably informed the pubs and bars of Great Britain are filling up with Wendy fans ready for they’re televised match tonight . The Stadium is already at capacity to the 500k limited attendance . Give the Lads a cheer from me please . COYR
Newport is a weird place to stop given Cardiff is miles better, along with the fact we're playing there! Seen a few reds shirts in the city already
That does make sense actually. I saw a load of GeeVee coaches parked up while going through Newport on the train - that couldn't be them could it?
Isn't it nice to be reading threads like this again. Seems a long, long, long time ago. Good luck to all who have travelled and give the reds a cheer for me. COYR's!!!
I was quite surprised that the FA didn’t move the charity shield from Wembley once it was confirmed that Wednesday would be kicking off the season in the capital. Not quite sure how London’s not been cordoned off and declared FULL yet?
Talking to John yesterday the Organiser of the East Dene Reds, apparently we have a new ‘police guy’ now for SY Police and he seems more amenable than his predecessor so might be able to go direct to Towns/Cities where we’re playing. He seems confident we’ll be able to go direct to Blackpool this time instead of stopping off.
Away Tavel stop offs are not at the discretion of our police liaison officer of SYP. The new guy introduced himself to organisers. via phone. And did not, on this occasion mention any restrictions imposed by Cardiff authorities. Case of wait and see.