What will happen to the West Stand? Safety work to ensure we can get more people in or some kind of constructive work to also get more people in but make the stand more attractive. Any thoughts.Over to you YTBFC
It is a valid question though. The club has announced it is going to spend some money on the West Stand, so obviously the fans - especially those that sit in the West Stand are curious as to what the plans are. It can hardly be a secret
Of course it is. I agree wholeheartedly. And when the time comes I'm sure this will be expanded upon.
I hope they aren't planing on losing it altogether - a big refurb like Fulham had, including completely new roof etc would be good to keep the history but stop it looking like its falling down! https://blog.tatasteelconstruction....t-for-the-oldest-football-stand-in-the-world/
Haven't they said that work will happen in the close season though which is just 4 weeks away? You can't get much closer to the time really
Inna slightly unrelated topic but while I've got your attention you mentioned a while back that people would have to wait till close season for any changes to the colour scheme of the official site (colour of it doesn't bother me by the way). Do you know if there are any plans to release a survey to fans asking for feedback on the official site, programme and social media use to see how things can be improved for next season? I not ask because in all my time supporting the reds i don't remember ever seeing a survey like that and it could be useful for yourself in the media department
I hope they will paint the outside of the West Stand to match the rest of the stadium. I think it would make a big difference to how it looks. Also,maybe Shotblasting/repainting the exterior wall on Grove St,it must be depressing for local residents. It's possible that some of the cost to carry out these repairs is coming from the developer of the Grove St School site. The Council get developers to contribute a fee towards community improvements,when they grant planning permission.
I'm not trying to hide anything here, there are restrictions at the minute but there will be news on this sort of front at the end of the season.
Dont get me wrong Whitey, i didn't think you were trying to hide anything at all and i know that if there ever was any information you were hiding from us (regarding anything in general) then you would be doing it for one reason only. Because it's your job. I don't think anyone would criticise you for that. Well hardly anyone
Like I said to Supertyke I'm unable to expand on it at this point in time but changes are afoot throughout the league. I'm sure this will be passed on to supporters at the end of the season.