This sunny morning the peace was broken by local lad being set upon by a gang. I don't know the ins and outs but it sounds like he's had a right kicking and baseball bats were involved. I'm now listening to Nick Drake to restore the peacefull vibes. What's up with people?
there's some Muppets about that's for sure. me? I've just hooked up an old Technics stereo I picked up off eBay for a fiver
This sounds like a George Spicer post gone wrong. Nick Drake is a good call though. Chime of a City Clock. That's a tune.
Another reason to steer clear of baseball. I recommend Donald Fagen's album "The Nightfly" for a cool summer vibe.
Here's one that came to me out of the blue one night. Think I was driving back from ipswich last season and it came on the radio. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I really like this.
Can't beat a bit of Steely Dan. I could probably have their album collection on repeat play for the rest of my life and still not get tired of listening.