Bit of a random question but what is happiness? Is it that moment of exhilaration when Barnsley score and you completely involuntarily jump up? Is it a pleasant meal at a restaurant? Is it watching a film where you thoroughly enjoy it from start to finish? Is it a 2 week holiday abroad where you aren't really thinking about anything apart from the sea, the sun and relaxing? Or is it something much more long term like having a family and feeling fulfilled? Or is it any and all of the above? Bit random I know but a question that's just come to me.
Waking up every morning to see the sea and the mountains and having the best woman in the world to share it with.
Sometimes I think happiness is simply the absence of sadness. To recognise happiness, perhaps you have to have experienced sadness? Either that, or it's a cigar called Hamlet. Edit: now two votes for Hamlet!
Happiness is subjective, what brings joy to one person may bring misery to another. Personally I’m happiest by the coast, any coast, in these brief moments of solace watching the waves lap into the beach nothing matters, money, health, social or political issues nothing. That’s my happiness
For me happiness is about being in the moment such as when Barnsley score which is a great example. I regard the more enduring state to be contented rather than happy. That’s just my personal opinion of course but it’s a great question for sure.
I suppose it's personal to each of us. One thing I would offer though is that to be happy you must not seek happiness. If you are seeking, you are not experiencing. Just let it happen, take life as it comes, and then reflect. Those who seek happiness miss it, and those who discuss it, lack it. Holbrook Jackson.
Having good health for yourself and your loved ones, really can't put a price on that. Making the most of life and being grateful for the things you have rather than not. Those are the simple things that many people take for granted that can't be measured in money or materialism.
Eh. Really. Hows that one work. Happy as Larry when leeds lose and we win. And time with my family and friends.