Was f’king embarrassing, we had this in summer about changing Timerider and it faced a backlash. They just don’t listen to fans.
they certainly don’t listen and seem to want to piss fans off in every way possible - see the Beevor Court thread.
Fans at match didn’t know how to respond to it so not sure why it was randomly played but didn’t build any atmosphere; people were bemused.
I think it was commentary to goals we’ve scored previously but the sound quality in the west stand lower, I honestly couldn’t tell you what goals they were. I heard “Kitching” and “Connell” I think but that’s about as much as I could make out.
I got in at five to. Pleas don’t tell me I need to successfully lead my #bringbackTimerider campaign? Sounds like club pointlessly starting a fan/club debate for no reason, again.
We've walked out to some dross in the past but I can honestly say yesterday was the worst I've ever heard
Much worse. At least that was an actual tune even if it was a bad one. This was just noise. Way too loud random bursts of commentary piercing your eardrums interspaced with what apparently was supposed to be music but had absolutely no flow at all.
The backing tune was ELP's "Fanfare For The Common Man". Whoever thought it was a good idea to put snippets of goal commentaries over the top needs to give their head a wobble. Not only did it sound awful, but it was cringeworthy too. The kind of thing Wednesday fans would drool over. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
Just keep it simple, play decent build up music (not Oasis all the time) then kick in the fanfare song just before the players walk out, then time rider kicks in.