I know a few blokes Who are constantly moaning and berating the club They haven't missed a game home or away for 40 year According to the logic of some Their not proper fans Like those who are always positive on social media I just think its a daft notion
I have no definition of a “proper fan” because, as you say, everyone is different and have different opinions. I would put myself in the “happy clapper” section. What I don’t really get though is people who invest all that time and money by going to all those games but then constantly moaning about it. I know by now it’s probably all they’ve known and down to loyalty a bit but life’s too short so find a hobby they like.
A proper Barnsley fan or a proper BBS Barnsley fan ? Massive difference imo, on here if you aren’t positive you are told to go elsewhere or you need a cuddle, no balance or symmetry
One of the most negative posters on here is actually extremely gregarious and good humoured in real life. At least he is whenever we bump into each other at the match! Maybe he's just pleased to see me....
Glad I haven't sat next to them moaning for the last 40 years. Being around miserable rubs off on others who don't want to be miserable.
You called me a happy clapper the other week for ridiculing people who give very personal abuse of a female board member online, so don't pretend it's all coming from one side.
I may well have called you an Happy Clapper in relation to the team/club but the personal abuse of a female poster doesn’t register sorry
Thing is PeniRed everyone is entitled to an opinion and that should be a given right on a football message board. I think the problem you might be facing is in the 2 or 3 weeks you've been on the BBS every single post from yourself as been negative and down beat so its hard to debate anthing with you because of your persona. Try reading a book called The Boy Who Cried Wolf. As for the blokes you know who constantly berate the club I think there demeanour as rubbed off on you. Call out things you feel are wrong but at the same time praise the club when things go right,Its a 2 way action never doom and gloom all the time.
I gave you the benefit of the doubt at the time as you might have missed the context of my post. But the point still stands, it's not just coming from one side and I'm starting to find it all very tedious.
Truth be told, I'd never heard the phase "better fan" until I joined the BBS in 2004. Work, family, health, travel commitments can have a serious, adverse affect on whether someone can attend matches. However, this doesn't mean those fans love the club any less. Miserable fans have always existed. I don't see why others can't comment on their attitude. It doesn't mean, those who are somewhat lugubrious care any less, or more, about the club.