Just listening to Starmer, changes his mind every time he opens his mouth. Captain hindsight defo the fitting name for him. What has happened to the Labour party? No better than the Tories.
as opposed to Captain no fekin idea how i run the country, as long as my mates in the tory party and the owners of national newspapers are happy, you mean??? he only follows what jimmy Krankie in scotland does because he's got not fekin idea at all...
Specifically just waits for the Tories to act before he even attempts to nail his colours to the mast. One minute we lockdown too early, the next its too late. Children need to be in schools, then why are children still in schools. If you need any specifics, just go back and listen to his comments from the start of this pandemic how he flip flops. Definitely think the wrong person was voted in following the leadership election, although it was a bit of a weak opposition. Wanted someone take the forefront, not another one of the old faces. Surely someone in the party could have injected some real inspiration and leadership back into the party. They should be absolutely shredding the tories but they aren't, it's as if they daren't commit to a firm policy.
At the last PMQ's he blatantly stated we'd be in a full lockdown in January because of the governments inactions. I think you've muddled hind and fore.
Exactly my point. You have Johnson seemingly making it up as he goes along just watching what Sturgeon does. But Starmer isn't doing a convincing job as leader of the opposition. If you have a policy, believe in it and make yourself heard. Don't just base conversations on the actions of the government. Should be smashing it in the polls, but they aren't.
Well thats all just nonsense. On EVERY occasion he has called for action at least 2 weeks before the government do a complete U Turn and do what he suggested a few weeks previously. There's only one party flip flopping and messing this pandemic up on epic proportions and its BJ and his utterly inept, incompetent, fraudulent party. Its absurd to suggest the party who are flip flopping is the opposition when we could all list the amount of times its happened since last March. Its actually bordering on mental.
Starmer called for a full lockdown the day before bojo the clown announced one you're trying to re write history. Instead of buying into Tory spin try finding out what the actual time line was. Not for the first time Starmer has said we need to take action and Bojo as eventually had to take it.
yeah was gonna post that. the government have refused to do what labour have requested a few times, only to change their minds a few weeks later and do it. an example was labour asking for a lockdown in October while kids were off school. boris said no then did it a few weeks later when kids had gone back lol
Well I get some people on here just love to believe that anybody as Labour leader must be protected regardless with red tinted glasses. I prefer to keep an open mind on things and not be blinkered by any bandwagon be it Tory or Labour or Fib Dem if you remember that pointless party.. At the moment, I truly believe Labour chose the wrong person as leader. I also believe the same for the Tories. None of the candidates from each leadership battle shaped up. If pushed although one of the same old faces again, I think Andy Burnham could have done the job, reckon they would be miles ahead of the Tories now. As it stands, I'd guess at another Tory win should we have a gen election right now. Prob not the massive majority from last time but maybe 10/15 seats.
lol, this thread is exactly why the whole country is royally f*****d. This government and specifically its PM is a disaster, its shambolic and its incompetent. Meanwhile raving right winger chooses to point the blame at the labour leader.
This post is about you accusing the leader of the opposition of using the benefit of hindsight which is very much not the case as has been pointed out by several posters. I would say it is you being blinkered if you really believe that
you've not got an open mind though. The OP is far from open, your constant posing about how bad labour is, whilst celebrating tory incompetence isnt having an open mind.
I've not voted Labour for 2 elections. Is Starmer an inspirational leader? Not especially. Is he competent? Impossible to know as he's in opposition and neither has he the information the government have at their disposal, nor does he have to actually make the decisions. What he does have is an impossible tightrope to walk in terms of factions of leave/remain and left/centre. I don't envy him. If given a choice of DePfeffel or Starmer, it's a very easy choice for me. Even if Starmer proved to be as incompetent as DePfeffel, I can't see how he could be as cowardly, lazy or lie so brazenly. And he certainly wouldn't have spent billions paying his mates in dodgy contracts or dishing out peerages.
Some people so touchy but that's to be expected as they refuse to accept any sort of criticism of Labours position. Hence why the country is fecked. Their way or the highway, refuse to compromise attitude works for no benefit.