One from a few years ago.
Quick, let's dive in. Wherever we get transported to the chances are it'll be a hell of a lot better than Planet Earth, 2025.
Am telling thee that Musk blokes a wrong un he's a real life bond villain, towd Sir Keir wants to get Jimmy Bond to pay that Musk bloke and the Tango add fella that's Musk goes to see in that big White House a visit. Them two are up to no good am tellin thee.
It will most likely be a zanussi washer being delivered Failing that with Mladen's track record he's bought a Dalek to clean the steps in the ponty and that was it being dropped of
I think we've discovered worm holes. It explains America getting into bed with Russia over Ukraine and wanting to end the conflicts around the globe. The key is the Ukraine. I reckon they have a mineral that is a key component in what's needed for stellar travel. That's where musk comes in because he can sniff out that sort of stuff. Trump and Putin have realised they can't conquer the delta quadrant if they blow each other to kingdom come. Then there's the possibility that they conducted a halogen collider experiment in space. I could be wrong .
Looks like my gas bill spiralling out of control though it's actually excess fuel out of Elons rocket that has frozen
Weather balloon... We never found out about those 'drones' that where hovering around New Jersey in January.. Biden wouldn't say.. Trump said he'd tell everyone but never did..