Remember when half of this board were criticising them for producing this graph? Well it seems they weren’t far off. Cases over 50k per day by week ending 23rd October according to ONS figures. We really are up the creek without a paddle, long winter ahead for us all.
Wish folk would realise these guys aren't the problem, they provide the science. It's for government to listen and get everyone on board to put in place preventative measures. How many businesses have great ideas, plenty. These businesses weren't spoken to because they're not part of the government's close circle of financial interests. The track and trace app could have been created by anyone, instead it went to their friends. It's always the same firms the same people who have a terrible track record.
You're right but I don't think the government science guys need to be putting on presentations on tv. They should be science geeks working behind the scenes, instead they're next year's I'm a celeb and strictly contestants
Nah they won't be, they need to present the honest facts. It's the only time we see anyone close to government telling the truth. If anything though morbid and depressing its refreshing. Who would you rather explain the situation these guys, Bozo or Hatt Mancock? They're doing their jobs and I'm sure every time they go on air they have Dom the Goblin and his associates pressuring them.
This was the thread. All the usual COVID-19 deniers and 'my way of life' protectors are in there.
To add I'd pay to watch Whitty bang out Dom the Goblin after this is over, obviously it would be at Super Paperclip weight.
The issue with the curfew though was it didn't help reduce the spread. If anything it promoted the spread due to folk all being kicked out of busy towns and cities at the same time. Businesses who were mega covid compliant were set up to fail.
Our science guys are too lazy to press a button. At the briefings instead of telling someone "next slide please" why not have the scientist do it themselves like weather reporters do.
The 50000 is an estimate from the ONS survey based on incident rate. To quote "The incidence rate is an estimate of how often new cases of COVID-19 occur over a given period of time. In our study, it is calculated by dividing the number of times a person has a positive test for the first time in the study, having first tested negative, by the total time everyone is in the study. We include the time people are in the study between successive negative tests for those who never have a positive test and the time up to halfway (or maximum of seven days, whichever is later) between their last negative and first positive test for those who have a positive test. This reflects the fact that we do not actually know when a person first becomes positive, only when we tested them. People who are positive when they join the study are not included in this calculation." Basically its like most of the Sage stuff used based on forecasting and data modelling. The highest figure released for testing by specimen date is somewhere around 24K in a day.
Ive never denied anything. I've suggested that and will continue to maintain the stance 1) it is no where near as bad as they are making out. Which for the vast majority of us it isnt. 2) the cure is worse than the disease. 3) the stats are continually flawed. And I include that massive this isnt a prediction graph that Dr Doom and Gloom 4) That the vast majority of people now living in fear of the 'Rona 5) the restrictions in place are no longer about a virus. 6) the only people who benefit from being locked down are those who are in secure employment mostly public sector roles and/or fairly affluent and those who do not work. As my main points.
I know. Still plus side I havent suggested having a circuit breaker for a fortnight every two months tied in with School holidays.
So why are they doing it? Why is the most libertarian PM the UK has ever known, creating a Police State? If it's not a genuine health concern, what's driving him?