Not a full time come back just thought I'd post the voting figures. Where the club got Barnes from I will never know as he didn't get a single vote. Not one person tweeted Barnes to @barnsleyfc during the voting period. Any explanation whitey?
Thanks ST wonder how Barnes got it then. But not as puzzled as the fact that 4 people voted for Potts
He got it because it's his birthday but it makes a mockery of pretending the fans are voting when the club awards it to whoever they want anyway. Did the same against Leeds. Gave the award to Hammill despite him getting 4 votes and Potts getting 6.
I was questioning how Barnes got it. Had a couple of decent shots in the first half but I don’t think he’d touched the ball before that. Didn’t do much second half either apart from tuck inside the centre the whole time. Thiam would’ve been my choice.
So you're saying that the club ask people to vote for motm, and then they go on to ignore the vote and choose who they like? That would be a deception and quite scandalous. How do you get to know what the votes were btw?
We don't use SMS anymore. I specifically listened to the instructions today after the Leeds game The club only follows 9 private accounts. 1 is the club's physio, 1 is the defunct clubshop account leaving just 7. Of these seven 1 is an agent, 4 are players (or former players) and 1 is bapp for bolts which means the club only follows (and therefore sees) 1 private account belonging to a fan.
I could be wrong, but I thought that if a private account tweets directly at an account they can see that specific tweet
Is this true? I don't bother voting but I thought anyone who followed BFC on Twitter could vote? Why would the club ignore the vote and give it to another player?